Chapter 18: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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Poe snored. Rey didn't know how on earth Amelia ever slept with how loud it was, but it was almost two A.M. and she was laying there pressed against Finn and unable to sleep from how obnoxious it was. Maybe he was getting sick? Maybe he was just super tired but honestly she was past the point of forgiving it. On top of this, with Finn's weight on the mattress, the air was displaced and left her lifted up awkwardly.

"I can't sleep either..." Finn whispered, startling Rey after she sighed loudly in annoyance. She jumped slightly and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Christ..." she muttered and he only pulled her back in closer and whispered.

"Want to go to the living room and sleep on the couch?" he suggested quietly and looked

over at Poe in annoyance. Rey nodded and got up, assisting Finn to his feet and grabbing their blanket and pillows before both of them sleepily padded out to the living room. The snoring was distant now, the wall between the two rooms sufficient to give them enough peace. Rey sat down on the end of the couch and sighed. Finn started to lay down, his feet on one end and his head resting in Rey's lap. She smiled and giggled quietly at the face he pulled, looking up at her. She shyly ran her fingers through his hair and rested her other hand on his chest.

"Finn?" she said quietly, her senses alerted to something but she didn't know what. It was as if some sort of instinct had kicked in but she ignored it.

"Yes?" he said, voice sleepy and exhausted. She looked away and bit her lip, feeling as his fingers laced through hers against his chest.

"What would you classify us a- What was that?" she snapped her head to the right at the sound of footfall outside the window. The glass was covered with cheap blinds from the inside but no curtains, letting light into the room. She didn't see a silhouette but she knew she heard something. Finn looked up at the window and furrowed his brow. They were silent for a long time, staring at the window unblinkingly until they both let out a long sigh.

"I think it was just a raccoon or something. We should go to sleep. Our imaginations are running wild." Finn said quietly and squeezed her hand. She wanted to go back to what she was going ask him. What would you classify us as, friends or.. more?

"Good idea... goodnight, Finn." she rested her head back against the pillow that she had propped up above the low back of the couch and closed her eyes. Just before she fell asleep she could have sworn there was another quiet little thud outside. It's a raccoon, Rey.


"Listen, they made the first move what are we going to do now? We don't even have intel on where Kylo is." Poe grumbled and looked across the room at Han. Everything around them seemed hazy, the air filled with smoke and smelling of alcohol and other substances. Han pulled a cigar from between his teeth and wrinkled his nose up.

"We wait for him to do something stupid. He's just a whiny little brat." he put the cigar back in his mouth and stepped forward, staring at the papers on the billiard table in front of them. Poe was a bit upset they weren't using it for its intended purpose but, then again, that would be a bit too cleshay. The papers had different ideas scribbled out on them, intel provided by Poe and Finn together on the small details the knew. Poe, of course, knew a little more. He had actually been a legitimate part of crimes but Finn had ran away before he got too screwed up. It made Poe wonder why they were even going after him. Han knew more than he was really letting on and he knew it, refraining from pressing though because he was sure that if he didn't say it was either unimportant or he felt that only he needed to have the information. The old man was incredibly troubled.

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