Chapter 29: Meet the Old Man

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Rey woke up to the sound of BB purring, nuzzling against her hand. The young woman smiled at the kitten she had rescued so long ago and then over at Finn. His eyes were closed peacefully, face half hidden by how he rested on the pillow.

"Hey kitten." Rey whispered and pet the ginger cat. BB purred all the louder before stepping over onto Finn's back and kneading gently until he woke up. He was startled when it happened though and ended up rolling over in surprise, leaving the poor cat to jump off and land, claws out, on the air mattress. Rey's immediate reaction was to grab her as quick as possible but that only made the matter worse. Eighteen little claws from eighteen little toes poked right into the plastic of the air mattress and when Rey pulled her off it only tore. BB ran off while Finn and Rey, both thoroughly awake, felt the mattress slowly lower and deflate as the air came whistling out of it.

"That's one way to start a morning..." Finn chuckled and rubbed his eyes. Rey ran her hands over her face and shook her head, feeling her hair swishing against her back. They were quiet for a moment, tired and now feeling the carpeted ground beneath them. Finn wrapped his arms around her and it took a moment for them to both realize something: they were both still naked.

"Finn?" Rey's voice was flat and curious at the same time, "are we still naked?"

"Uuuuuuh," he looked down at himself and Rey and blushed when he saw the soft, small mounds of her chest in the dull morning light, "yeah. Very naked." Rey didn't seemed bothered by their own personal nudity but one thing did bother her.

"Amy and Poe probably saw us naked." she looked at Finn with a horrified expression. His glance in return was one of equal and utter mortification.

"Oh christ..." their moment of realization and embarrassment was replaced by one of conscious terror as Poe appeared in the doorway.

"Look who's up! OH my-" he turned around and clapped his hands over his eyes. Finn looked at Rey with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe they didn't see before?"

"I knew you two finally did the do but why the fuck are you still naked??? Please tell me Amy and I didn't sleep in the same room with you guys when you were nude. That's just." Rey barely could hold back a snort at how immature Poe was being. She picked up a pillow and threw it at the back of his head.

"You act as if you're a kissless virgin. Which I know you're not. Perhaps you did sleep in the same room with us while we were both naked but we are very attractive people." Finn nodded in agreement when he looked at her but looking at himself he just sort of shrugged. Poe laughed and still kept himself turned around.

"Get dressed would ya? I want to talk to you and I can't concentrate with the image of your tits in my mind." Finn felt his blood boil a little bit but didn't outwardly react because he knew how Poe and Rey operated. Open, honest, too straightforward. Their older friend walked back out towards the living room, awkwardly fumbling with the door knob behind him so they still had their privacy. Rey started to get out of bed but Finn teasingly pulled her back. It felt weird without the bounce of the air mattress.

"Fiiiiiinnnnnn." she whined and looked at him as he giggled. He pressed his lips to her shoulder and sighed. Rey blushed heavily but turned her head and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ugh. Fine." he sighed and let her get up. His eyes followed her with adoration as he watched her pull on some sweats and a t-shirt. God she is so beautiful. Every time he saw her face he had that thought and now there was even more he was allowed to love and it made his heart skip a beat.

"Earth to Finn?" she teased and waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"Hmm?" he focused and looked up at her questioningly.

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