Chapter Seventy-Two

Start from the beginning

"So, Yem and Detasha, business is business. Let's get down to it." I recommenced the significant portion of our conversation.

"In our organization, The First Order, we have certain people that search the universe for beings that contain midichlorians. If a being has high midichlorian levels, then it is very possible that they possess some essence of The Force. We have noticed very high midichlorian levels in both of your children. Initially, we only sensed Kubos' midichlorians, but upon arrival we realized that Kespia may retain some as well."

Yem narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him a pointed look through my mask, daring him to defy any of my statements.

"We would like to recruit your two children to our organization." Immediately upon hearing my words, Detasha let out a small, defeated whimper.

"What do you mean?" Yem questioned, suspicion and anger prominent in his voice.

"I mean that we want your children to accompany us back to our base and work with us." I stated, finally getting the point across to them.

"No!" Detasha instantly blurted. I slowly turned my head to look at her in a menacing manner and she covered her mouth with her hands.

Detasha pulled her hands away from her mouth to whisper, "You can't take them from me."

"Detasha, we wouldn't take them from you forever. They would be allowed, perhaps, to periodically visit you. We just need to make use of their potential and train them to be flawless warriors before someone else does. The First Order will train your two children to become elite, agile, honest, responsible, ethical, and so much more; however, if another organization gets to them before you allow us to begin working with them, then Kubos' and Kespia's powers could be used to do very evil things." I used a fear-inducing tone at the end of my explanation. I carefully phrased every word to try and make Detasha feel like she had to let us work with Kubos and Kespia.

Detasha stared at me with scrutiny. I read her mind and found that she was suspicious of my claims.

"We won't just recruit them and simply leave you two alone, however," I looked at Kubos and Kespia before refocusing on Detasha, "We will pay you a very grand amount of money so you and Yem may live happily for the rest of your lives."

Of course, the fortune wouldn't actually be as high as I claimed, but any sort of money to Yem and Detasha would be of unbelievable value.

Detasha's eyes slightly brightened at the sound of the deal, but then she frowned. "Are you sure I will be able to see my children?" She asked.

"Yes. I am very positive you will get regular visits. Maybe someday we will be able to move you and Yem to our base."

Detasha glanced at Yem, who continued to glare at me. I elected to ignore his rash behavior. I needed this meeting to go professional so Kubos and Kespia were able to get a very good first impression of me.

Detasha sighed and looked back at her children. She then looked at me. "Alright. If this is truly the best, safest, and most moral option for my children, then I suppose it would be okay for them to travel with you. I just need to be ensured that they will be reunited with myself and Yem frequently and that we will be compensated. We only are desperate for the compensation because Kubos is our main source of money -- he is the only one in our family with a stable job."

"You will most definitely get paid and I can assure you that this is not the last time you will see Kubos or Kespia. And yes, Detasha, working with The First Order is the most morally fitting future for your children. They were meant for cooperation with us." I reassured her those several things just to seal the deal. I was very excited about this trade. I knew that Kubos and Kespia would make for two excellent fighters.

I was already putting together a spectacular image in my mind of what the front lines of The First Order's army would begin to look like soon after our expedition to Flore. I imagined Nira, with her insane electrical offense-defense combination, to my right; Kubos and Kespia, with their overwhelming measure of The Force, to my left; and myself, the all-powerful Kylo Ren, in the middle, leading the organization forward.

The First Order was soon to be unstoppable.

Kubos and Kespia were then given several minutes to pack up a few essential items from their home and say their goodbyes. Finally we headed out of their hut and towards our ship.

The expedition was nothing less than a complete success. I was sitting on the ship, traveling back to The First Order's base. Kubus and Kespia sat silently across from me, both staring at their laps. One of Kubos' hands tightly held onto both of Kespia's. Occasionally, one of them would glance up at me, but they would quickly look back down again directly after.

I was on my way back to Nira. I knew that when I got back, an apology was necessary and in order. I figured that now was a good a time as ever; I hadn't apologized before that time because I realized that she might have needed some space after our small rough patch.

I also knew that we might need to talk things out. I didn't like rough spots with Nira -- not one bit. I enjoyed when things were consistently smooth and not problematic.

I knew that Nira and I were not going to be permanently separated. I'd known that since the brief fall out. That wasn't how things were going to go -- I wouldn't allow us to never be romantically involved again. I knew that romance between us would mean danger, but life is meaningless without a little danger and suspense.

I loved Nira too much to simply let her go because of a few stupid mistakes. I couldn't.

Nira Leven was too important for me to simply allow us to drift apart.


Author's Note

I have some drama crap up my sleeve, guys. I can't wait for you to read it.

Also, I'm going to make an author's note next that shows my cast in case some of you can't see it.

I don't have much to say except sorry that these past few chapters haven't been completely super-duper extremely exciting. There are highs and lows to a story, but if you really like the story then you stick with it (I guess??? I'm annoying myself by saying all this crap lmao).

Alright, see you tomorrow with another chapter! Love you all :)

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