Meet The Friends

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When we get to English I notice that Haley and Emily both have this class as well. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that they are sitting next to each other. As I walk past Emily to take a seat she looks at Harry then winks at me. I look at her with a confused face as I sit down next to her. Her and Haley whisper and giggle at me the whole class. I know what they are thinking just because I have been single for almost two years doesn't mean that every guy I talk to is my new boyfriend! At the end of class I say goodbye to Harry and tell him I will meet him at lunch. Once he leaves Haley and Emily don't wait to come over and bombard me with questions.

"Who is he?!"

"What's his name?"

"How long have you been talking?"

"why didn't you tell me you were talking?"

" Slow down people! We aren't talking I just met him in the front office, he is new and his name is Harry" I manage to say as they are freaking out.

" He is so cute!" Haley says

"Yeah he is. You better hit him up" Emily says as she hits my shoulder lightly.

"Or I will" they both say at the same time

"Well you both have boyfriends so you better calm down and I don't really think he would be into me"

"That boy would be lucky to have someone like you" Emily says trying to cheer me up

"I saw the way he looked at you during class. He defiantly wants to get to know you!" Haley say as Emily agrees with her.

Maybe they are right maybe he could be into me or maybe I'm just getting my hopes up to be let down. The last guy I dated broke up with me so that he could go date one of my friends. little did I know that the whole four months I was dating him she was talking to him behind my back. Lets just say I have some choice words for her! Ever sense then I haven't really talked to anyone I'm tired of being let down. My mom always says that god is holding me for the perfect guy. I say he is holding me so that I can grow old and allowed with 50 cats. I guess will see who's right.

"Ill see you two at lunch. Oh I hope you don't mind I told Harry he could sit with us at lunch" They both gasp as I roll my eyes and walk to my next class.

It takes forever till lunch is finally here, maybe that's because I cant wait so see that curly hair cutie. What am I thinking by tomorrow he will be sitting with some other chick and never even talk to me again. I walk to the lunch room to see Harry sitting at the lunch table with Emily, Haley, Josh, and Liam.

"Look who finally showed up" Emily says as Harry turns around to look at me. Why does he have to be so cute? Every time I see those beautiful green eyes I almost die.

"Long time no see" Harry says in his breathtaking ascent.

"Well don't just stand they sit down!" Haley says as she pulls my arm to sit in between her and Harry.

Lunch goes by way to fast, All I did the whole time was talk to Harry it felt like no one else was even around it was just me and him. To bad I was wrong and I had to go back to class there is an upside though I get to spend the next class with Harry as well. Am I going crazy or am I starting to like this kid that I just met not even 3 hr ago.

(This is my first story so whoever reads this please let me know if you like it :)

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