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Liz Pov:

It's has been about a week since the party. I got out of the hospital the day after I woke up. I didn't go back to school at all this week, I have had Harry bring me my class work and helping me to keep up. I'm hoping to go back to school next week.

It's Friday an its only twelveish so Harry is still in school. As much as I don't like school I do miss seeing all of my friends. I have been texting Harry all day, but he hasn't answered him about an hour.

*Liz: Text me when you get a chance.*

I decided to go for a walk even though it is starting to get pretty cool out.

When I was on my walk I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out of my pocket hoping it was Harry to see it wasn't. It was...


*Tyler: Hey are you ok you haven't been at school all week?*

Why is he being so nice to me this year before her was always mean.

*Liz: You did hear.... I had alcohol poisoning and had to have my stomach pumped, then I was in a coma for two days*

It didn't take long for him to answer.

*Tyler: What!! Omg are you ok!?*

*Liz: Yeah I'm fine I just haven't felt up to going back to school yet*

* Tyler: Well I hope you feel better :)*

*Liz: Thanks :)*

I finish my walk and when I get back Tyler is pulling into the drive.

"Hey do you want me to drive you up to your house?" He says after he rolls down the window.

"Yeah sure." I say getting into the car.

"What are you doing walking around its so cold out"

"I just was tired of being stuck in the house"

When we get to my drive way I'm about to get out of the car when he puts his hand on my shoulder.

No not this again.

"What?" I say with confusion is my voice as I turn to look at him.

"Liz I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For all the times I was mean to you and ignored you for no reason. I'm just sorry"

"It's fine it was in the past"

"No it's not I was so mean to you and there was no reason for it."

"It's-" he cuts me off

"No Liz it's not. I know it may not seem like it but I really do like you a lot"

"I'm sorry but I'm happy with Harry. I used to have a lot of feelings for you, but you always pushed me away. Now I'm happy with someone and you want me."

"I know I'm dumb and I really do want to be friends with you if that's ok with you?"

"I would like that" I smile

He leans in and I hope he isn't trying to kiss me. He ends up giving me a hug and I hug him back. It's nice that we are gonna be friends.

As I look over his shoulder I see what I didn't want to see.

Harry pulled up next to Tyler's car in my drive way and looked over and saw me hugging him.

Oh god this wont be good!

(Back to school so I can update as much. Sorry it short (: )

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