“Thanks, you too,” I say before escaping. I lock the door behind me and sigh, examining my clothes. Denim skirt, red checkered shirt, ballet flats, hair loose. I hope I don’t look too cheesy.

Anyway, whatever. I remind myself that this is more for studying than a date.

Hardly any cars are on the street so I walk on the road, knowing that my mom would get mad and not caring. I finally reach the school, and our receptionist nods at me, smiling slightly.

“Florence Emerald, I believe.”

“Esmond, uh...” I glance at her nametag, “Ms Carlyle.”

“Oh, yes, so sorry. There was this boy, wanting to see you,” she says dismissively, “Ashton Corinth or something like that...”

“Oh, good,” I conceal my excitement, “Did he say where?”

“Um, the library.”

“Okay, thank-you.”

“And you will have to show your school card to the librarian since you’re here before hours!” Ms Carlyle calls after me.

Crap!! My school card?? I didn’t have it. At least, I thought not. I turned a corner and fumbled in my bag. Shit! 

I decide to go to the Lost and found. Usually there are lots of lost cards there. I can take on and pretend it’s me.

I see a lone figure rummaging around who I don’t look at until he says:


I turn my head and see Jason Furber. Instantly, heat washes through me.

Relax, relax, relax.

“Oh, hey,” I say casually, “What are you doing here at this time?”

“Same as you, looking for a school card. I’m trying to get in some early basketball practice before school, the whole team’s already out.”

So he plays basketball. No wonder he has all those defined muscles, and somehow I can really imagine hi at it, he’s so tall.

I am so lost in thought that I don’t realize he has asked me a question til he repeats, “You?”

“Um, sorry?” 

“What are you doing here this early?”

If I say I’m meeting Asher, he’ll think that it’s a date and go back to thinking I’m a slut: cheating on my boyfriend. If I say I’m meeting Katia, he’ll want to meet her.

That leaves Logan or Leslie and I decide, “I’m meeting Logan for a early morning study date,” I say, shrugging. 

“Cute,” He comments, “Now while we’re talking about dates, I want to clarify something. Katia and you are best friends right?”

“Yes,” I say, examining someone’s lost Gucci bracelet and wondering what comes next. 

“I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“Ask away.” 

“Do you think you could help me...” He trails off, hesitantly,”Getherback.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, finally looking up from the Gucci bracelet.

“I... look, I know you’re gonna think I’m an asshole, but just hear me out first, okay? I’m tired of Mel.”

“Understandable,” I agree.

“Good.” He looks relieved. “And lately, whenever I look at Katia, I think of when I was dating her, not Mel.”

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