Next, we go to this park with neatly trimmed bush walls that stand out. "What is this place?" 

"It's the Maze Park," he says. "Wanna try it?"

"I don't know. I'm bad at mazes. We might get lost." I feel a bit worried although it's not that wide, still you can get lost in it. 

"Not we. You. Just stay on your phone and I'll guide you."

"You want me to go there alone?" Seriously?

"C'mon. It'd fun." 

Before I know it, he leaves me at the entrance and runs up to the view deck. 

My phone starts ringing, "C'mon, go in," he says. 

"I swear, Mark, if you mislead me, I'm gonna make sure you stay in this maze forever," I threat, but all I get is a chuckle. 

I've been on the phone listening to his directions for fifteen minutes now. I'm starting to get worried. Is he seriously misleading me? He's so gonna regret this. 

"Mark!" I yell for the nth time. "Get me out of here, it's freakin' me out." 

He chuckles again. "Just take the left...that's it." 

I grumble and turn to my left. Why do I even bother to listen to him. I'm already pissed off. 

But, what do I see? Mark standing in the middle of a round opening, encircled with tall bushes, holding a bouquet of Lilacs. 

Mark! This is just the most romantic. heart just melted. All my anger - gone. I run to him and give him the tightest of the hugs. 

"I hate you!" I say under my breath. 

"Hey, you're squishing the flowers," he pushes me gently just to pull the flowers to his side, and takes me back in his arms. "Here!" He hands me the flowers. "I love you, baby." And kisses me on the forehead. 

Enough with the 'I love yous' already. You're just making me more and more guilty. I just stay on his arms, breathing in the scent that I would soon not be able to smell. 

"So, how do we get out of here?" I ask, remembering we're still in the middle of the maze. 

He just chuckles and takes my hand. "I have this maze memorized already," he says. We get out in no time. 

For lunch, we stop by a restaurant overlooking the beautiful water below. Then we just drove around the island, taking in the breathtaking view of the different landscapes the island has to offer, only stopping to take pictures. 

"This is beautiful," I look down at the crashing waves underneath us and feel the soft breeze hitting my face. 

"You're beautiful," he says, staring at me from the side. 

"Thank you, Mark," I turn to face him. 

"What for?"

"For this." For everything. For being here. For making me forget, even just for a short period of time. It has been fun. I won't ever forget you. 

"For you, always!" He steps forward, closing the gap between us and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me in for the sweetest kiss. A tear trickles down my eye. I'm sorry, Mark. 



Mark and Jess went out for a date. I let her do what she wants for now. I don't want to ruin this for Mark, either. 

I take the opportunity to go and talk to Lei, face to face. He agreed to meet me in the bar of his dad's resort. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now