Ichigo X Mental!Reader

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Ichigo stood in front of her bedroom door for the third time that night. Still, he couldn't bring himself to enter the dark room, knowing exactly what he'd find.

(Name) was curled into a tiny ball in the corner of the room Ichigo's father had been kind enough to lend her, her knees to her chest and her slender fingers knotted in her (hair color) hair. She rocked herself back and forth...back and forth. Tears streamed down her slightly flushed cheeks and her throat was sore from crying.

She pulled her feet in closer to her body, and away from the hands that seemed to grab at her; the hands only she could see. Or at least, thought she could see.

The young girl yanked on her hair, desperately trying to distract herself from the voices that plagued her mind, slowly pushing her to her limit.

Yes, (name) was teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown. One that she feared she may not recover from.

It had been nearly two months since (Name) came into Ichigo's life, and Ichigo had noticed something was very wrong with her from the moment he met her. She was quiet, fidgety, and constantly looked around as if she were expecting something to jump out at her suddenly. Ichigo had also noticed the dark bags under her distant (eye color) eyes, and the way she'd panic when someone touched her or even came too close to her.

At first he thought she was just an insomniac with bad anxiety, but now, he knew there was something severely wrong with that girl. It was more than just anxiety and insomnia that troubled the poor female's mind.

Ichigo placed his forehead against the door and listened to the teen whimper. He wanted so badly to calm her down, to soothe her, to do something! Anything! But he was scared. Scared that she might break if he tried to get close to her. Scared that he might say something wrong and make her condition worse.

With a heavy sigh, Ichigo turned to leave, but stopped when he heard a crash come from within the girl's room, followed by a small yelp. It sounded as if something had gotten broken.

Without hesitation, Ichigo burst into the room. He quickly switched on the light while his brown eyes landed on the bed - which was empty - before scanning the room for the frightened girl. Finally, he spotted her in the corner, staring down at her trembling, bloody hands. The broken shards of a lamp littered the floor beside her.

Ichigo rushed over to the injured (Name) and knelt before her.

"(Name), are you alright?" He questioned, trying to hide the worry and panic in his voice. She didn't respond. In fact, he didn't even think she had heard him. His hands automatically found their way to the trembling girl's shoulders. The contact immediately snapped her out of her daze. She flinched away from Ichigo, glanced down at the broken lamp, and then at her hands again.

"I....sorry - sorry, Ichigo," she managed to choke out. Her pretty (eye color) eyes wouldn't meet his and instead, darted around the room, occasionally landing on something for a moment or two, then she would flinch, and begin looking around again.

"Hey, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong," Ichigo murmured soothingly. Well, tried to. It didn't come out as soothing as he had hoped for, but it still seemed to calm her, even just a little.

"Ichigo..." She whispered, more to herself. Ichigo gave her a small, warm smile and held out his hands.

"Can I see your hands?"

She hesitated before placing her bleeding hands - palms up - in Ichigo's. Ichigo examined her small hands, noting the pieces of glass lodged in them. The wounds didn't seem deep, but he was sure they still hurt pretty bad. He bit his lip and thought for a moment.

"C'mon, let's go to the bathroom and get your hands cleaned up," Ichigo said, helping the still trembling girl up. He made sure neither of them stepped in the glass before leading her to the bathroom.

Once they reached the bathroom, Ichigo lifted (name) up and placed her on the sink, slightly startling her in the process. He mumbled an apology and quickly found some supplies; disinfectant, bandages, etc.

Turning back to (name), Ichigo watched her stare off into the distance. She had a troubled look in her eyes and her bottom lip quivered.

"(Name)," Ichigo called out to her. When she didn't respond, he called her name out again, only louder. She flinched, blinked a few times and looked down at her bare feet.

"Sorry, what?" She responded hoarsely. Ichigo looked down at her hands and hesitantly grabbed them gently with his own.

"I need to get this glass out. Will you be okay?" He asked. (Name) nodded without a second thought, almost as if she weren't worried about the pain that this action might bring.

Ichigo watched her for a moment before beginning to remove the broken glass. The entire time, she seemed to go off into another daze, never whimpering or cringing.

Once he was done, he cleaned her hands and wrapped them with gauze. (Name) snapped out of her daze once again when she realized Ichigo was finished. She stared down at her messily bandaged hands and a faint, almost unnoticeable, smile formed on her lips.

"Thank you...Ichigo," she whispered sincerely.

"No problem," he grinned. For a split second, (name)'s eyes met his, but they quickly darted away.

Her hands began to shake and she took a deep breath, as if to calm herself. Without thinking, Ichigo suddenly wrapped his arms around the teen. (Name)'s (eye color) eyes widened and she released a small yelp.

"I - s-sorry! I'm sor-" Ichigo cut himself off when he felt slender arms hesitantly wrap around his waist. (Name)....was hugging him back?!

"It's alright. I...I don't...mind," she mumbled, allowing her head to rest against his shoulder. Ichigo's look of shock soon turned into one of bliss. She was finally beginning to open up to him a little. Very slowly, but Ichigo could handle the wait.

"We should go back to bed," (name) suggested quietly. Ichigo internally sighed, but nodded anyway and helped her back to her room. He didn't want to leave her by herself. Not after seeing the condition she was in barely thirty minutes ago.

As Ichigo was beginning to leave, (name)'s delicate hand wrapped around his wrist, halting him.

"Ichigo...can you stay with me? Just for tonight..." She asked in a hoarse voice. A small, genuine smile found its way to the male's face and he nodded.

"Of course," with that said, he slowly crawled into the bed with her and pulled the blankets over them. The two teens laid in a comfortable silence, while Ichigo gently stroked (name)'s soft hair.

And soon, (name) drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Ichigo smiled and placed a quick kiss on the corner of her lips.

"Goodnight, (name)."

I'll go back and reread and edit this tomorrow. I'm too tired to do it right now. Oh yeah! Tomorrow is my birthday(03/23/16). I've honestly never celebrated my birthday and for some reason when I tell people that, they completely flip shit.

But anyways, sorry if the end is a bit rushed. I'll go back and fix it tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed!

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