Kenpachi x Reader

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Kenpachi x Reader


You decided a long time ago, when you first met Kenpachi, that you were absolutely terrified of him. Who wouldn't be? The man was huge and scary and a bit too obsessed with fighting.
You weren't really that great of a fighter, but you were amazing with healing kidos. That was the main reason you were placed in Squad Four.
The day you first met Kenpachi, you were still fairly new to everything, seeing as you had just graduated from the Soul Reaper academy only days before.
Kenpachi had gotten into a fight with some random idiot that had been stupid enough to challenge him. According to Kenpachi, it was a good fight. He sustained minor injuries; a small cut on the cheek and a slightly deeper and longer one going across his chest.
Your Captain, Unohana, had given you the job of cleaning his cuts and bandaging them. You had been reluctant at first because you had heard all kinds of stories about the Squad 11 Captain from previous patients.
You ended up doing it anyways since you couldn't just tell your Captain no. While treating his wounds, Kenpachi tried, and failed, to woo you with his battle stories. Of course, his stories only frightened you more and that made you treat his wounds quicker so he would leave sooner.
Unfortunately, he didn't leave right after you were done. No, he decided to stay for an hour or so to finish telling you about how he got each and everyone of his battle scars.
After that day, it seemed like Kenpachi would come in more often, even if he really had no reason to. He would always ask for you and you'd be forced to spend hours with the scary captain.
Its been almost four years since you first met him and even though you kind of considered him a friend, you were still scared shitless of him.
"[Your name]?" A gruff voice asked, pulling you from your thoughts. You looked up to see Kenpachi standing in the doorway, covered in blood and bruises. The visible cuts were rather deep and would most likely need stitches.
You gasped as you quickly stood up from your chair and led the tall man to the table bed thing. He sat down and watched you quietly as you rushed around, gathering all of the supplies you may need.
You set the supplies on a small metal table and quickly grabbed a wet rag. You gently began cleaning the blood off his face. Once you were done with that, you examined his face. It was slightly red, you weren't sure if it was because of the blood or something else. There was a cut on his left cheek. Thankfully, it didn't look like it'd need stitches. There was also a large bruise forming on his jaw.
You sighed and, without realizing what you were doing, began rubbing your small thumb gently over the discolored skin. Kenpachi's face turned a darker shade of red as he watched you.
You realized what you were doing and tried to let your hand fall back to your side, but Kenpachi grabbed your tiny wrist and held your hand against his warm cheek. You were surprised by his actions to say the least and you were quick to blame it on the blood loss.
After a few minutes of you caressing his cheek, he finally let go of your wrist and you quickly went back to work, trying to cover your flustered face with your [hair length] [hair color] hair.
"S-so what happened?" You finally spoke up as you finished stitching the last cut.
"I fought that Renji Abarai kid," he answered boredly, glaring at the floor as he remembered why he had fought him.
Renji had been talking to another guy, probably his friend, about all the things he'd like to do to you. Kenpachi had overheard his conversation and became angry. He was jealous that other men thought of you that way. He wanted you all to himself.
You sighed at his answer.
"Why would you fight Renji?" You asked quietly. He reached for your small hand again and held it against his cheek as he thought of what to tell you. After a moment or so of thought, he finally decided to tell you the truth.
"Well, I had been walking around with Yachiru and I overheard Renji talking about all the stuff he'd like to do to you. I got mad and fought him," he answered bitterly. Without giving it a second thought, you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly and whispered a thank you. He seemed shocked at first, but hugged back. His expression softened as a light blush dusted over his cheeks.
Kenpachi placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head up so you were looking at him. He slowly leaned in and strangely, you did too. Your lips met to form a soft and gentle kiss which sent flames throughout your body.
After what felt like forever, the two of you pulled apart with huge smiles on your faces.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too,"

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