Byakuya x Reader (Lemon)

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Byakuya x Reader (Lemon)


You stomped through Squad 1 barracks angrily, searching for the Head Captain's office. Once you found it, you burst through the door, interrupting the Head Captain's and Captain Kuchiki's meeting.
"What the hell is wrong with you, old man?!" You yelled, sending him a death glare and ignoring the shocked expression on Kuchiki's face, although you were a bit surprised you actually got some kind of emotion out of him besides annoyance or irritation.
The Head Captain gave you a slightly confused expression, mixed with mock innocence.
"You almost got me killed! You knew I wasn't ready to fight that strong of a hollow!" You screeched, "And then, you send me with these two idiots?!" You gestured furiously to the two men that had followed you back to report the details of the mission. The shorter one, with light brown hair and green eyes, stared off into space with his index finger shoved up his nose. The taller one, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, laughed hysterically at a picture of a kitten that he'd been carrying around with him all day.
You sweat dropped and facepalmed at the sight of them. Head Captain Yamamoto chuckled quietly, amused by the two men.
"My apologies, [Last name]," he said, "Captain Kuchiki, do me a favor and take [last name] to her room and help her get cleaned up,"
"Yes, Captain," Byakuya replied bluntly. He stood up from where he sat and grabbed your arm, dragging you out of the room forcefully. Once you were out of the Head Captain's sight, you snatched your arm out of Byakuya's grip. A strange emotion flashed through his eyes… hurt? No, that can't be right.
"I don't need your help," You said harshly.
"Really? Because from what I can see, you can barely stand up,"  Byakuya replied stiffly, a small frown forming on his face.
"I'll go get Renji to help me. I don't want your help, Mr. Sword-Up-The-Ass," You growled. Byakuya winced slightly, but you failed to notice. He felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of you being with Renji.
You gave him one last glare before turning around to walk away. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as warm fingers wrapped around and you were pulled back into a hard chest. Byakuya awkwardly embraced you, trying not to touch any of the open gashes or bruises you had received from the mission. He placed his chin on the top of your head.
You hesitantly wrapped your arms around his waist, [eye color] eyes still wide from shock. Byakuya Kuchiki was… hugging you? But why? You had just been so mean to him…
"Why do you hate me so much? Did I do something to anger you?" Byakuya asked quietly, his voice sounding strained and broken. You looked up at him in disbelief.
"I- I don't hate you!" You exclaimed, breath hitching in your throat as you saw how close your faces were. Your cheeks heated up slightly.
You had always had a bit of a crush on Byakuya, but you never thought he would ever feel the same and that's why you were so cold towards him. You wanted to distance yourself from him, so it wouldn't become anything more than a tiny crush. That would save you from unnecessary heartache.
"Then why do you act like it?" Byakuya questioned. You averted your eyes to the floor, trying to think of an excuse. You felt a warm finger slide under your chin, moving it so you were forced to look at him. "Answer me," he demanded, his voice sounding more strained that before.
"I...I don't kn-know," you said softly. You felt guilty for lying to him like that, but you were scared to tell him how you really felt, in fear of rejection. Byakuya sighed and picked you up gently before flashstepping to his room. He opened the door and carried you to his bathroom. Sitting you down on the counter beside the sink, he grabbed a washcloth and wet it a little in the sink.
Byakuya started by cleaning the dirt and dried blood off of your face, only to reveal a deep cut going over your left eye. He scowled at the damage done to your face.
Luckily, it wasn't deep enough to need stitches, but it would probably leave a pretty bad scar. He continued cleaning what he could, seeing as your uniform was in his way of getting to the rest of your body.
Byakuya started a bath for you and left the bathroom so you could clean the rest of yourself.

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