1 - Derp

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'I'm late! I can't believe I overslept again.' I cursed myself, running through the surprisingly quiet airport with haste, my white trainers squeaking against the clean floor.

My bag had hit my side repeatedly, causing me to wince with each moment of contact and pull my pokemon shirt down as it lifted, but I ignored it as I rushed to where I would enter the departing plane. Thank god I sent all my things yesterday and I only brought my bag and suitcase today, or I would miss my plane. I barely paid head to the woman taking my ticket, too anxious to board the plane and see my friends again.

"Miss," The woman called with a Polish accent, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You can board, other people are waiting."

I glanced behind me, blushing in embarrassment as I saw a large amount of people behind me, waiting. I let my dark brown hair cover my face, embarrassed at my spacing out, and quickly muttered an apology and ran onto the plane space.

That had all happened precisely ten minuets ago, and now I was sat in a comfortable first class chair staring out of the window, waiting for us to set off.

I should probably explain, why I was in such a hurry.

You see, I'm moving house, into a house with five of my friends, we are known on the internet as the derp crew. Well, they're my best friends, and some complications had caused me to move here quicker than we all originally expected.

The five have only been in the house for a week at the most, so I might still discover some secrets. I had been a derp member from the beginning, and I appreciated my friends so much. Of course, its hard sometimes. Not been their friend, that's always fun, I mean the audience at our job: YouTube. I quite commonly receive hate and death threats for been their friend due to overly obsessed fan girls. Occasionally its just ass holes, but mainly its twelve year olds who are in love with the guys. Its sometimes worrying and creepy, but I've learnt to deal with it over the time I've spent with them.

I had overslept as I was up late trying to make sure I had everything, and that my vlogging camera and phone were fully charged for the trip ahead. Actually, that reminds me...

I reached into my bag, which was sat on my lap. I stretched my legs out, allowing the black denim material on them to move. I was wearing those, a Pokémon shirt, trainers and a dark grey hoodie. That was practically the clothes I wore all the time, I rarely wore something 'girly', so it was just geeky shirts, jeans and hoodies. I don't think I even own a skirt.

I picked up the camera, pointing it towards me. I tidied my curly hair and smiled at the camera before starting it up. "Hi Zombies," I greeted, as I called my subscribers zombies. Weird, but it was based on my name, not my real name obviously, no one knows that, but my YouTube name. And also because the first gaming video I did was a zombie game, and I got a few hundred sibs after that play through in my first week, which was lucky.

"I'm here on a plane, if you hadn't guessed. Those of you who follow me on Twitter will already know this, but; I'M GOING TO LIVE WITH THE DERP CREW!" I shouted, causing someone to yell at me from behind. I blushed, embarrassed, and quieted down. I forgot for a moment I'm in public in my excitement.

"I'm already in trouble guys, whats gonna happen when I arrive?" I asked playfully, giggling.

"We are about to set off. Can all passengers put on their seatbelts please? Expect some turbulence as we set off, thank you." The pilot said, as I jumped at the sound of loud static.

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