"Are you sure those bite wounds really weren't from the demon hound like the villagers say?  Maybe he's mad at being blamed for Lord Barrymore's bad deeds..." I voiced quietly, it was all starting to look a little too radical for a mere human.. I raise my head to find Sebastian is smirking at me across the table. I furrowed my brows in confusion..

"Well I think we can say for that no human did this at least.." Sebastian said, glancing back down at Ciel.  I shot him a glare, damn butler.. Listening to my thoughts again... 


"What's the matter?" Sebastian asked Ciel as he was buttoning his night shirt.

"The way you phrased it earlier.. 'No human could do this'.. That red headed reaper better not show up again.." He said with a disgusted scowl.

"I'm quite impressed with the sharpness of your learning curve. There is no need to worry.. Miss. Luis' idea was not wholly incorrect, it was Lord Henry the demon hound was after, I imagine there isn't anyone else who would fall victim to it." Sebastian said, standing and slaughtering over to Ciel's wardrobe to skim through it.

"That doesn't mean I can just leave it alone.." He said watching his butler closely.

"Is that your beautiful loyalty to the queen?" Sebastian asked mockingly, I glanced up from my place in the corner of the room, the conversation was now peaking my interest..

"No, that's not all. You're normally a dull man, but when a dog enters the picture, you become rather fascinating.." Ciel said with a small smirk, I let out a small chuckle.

"He isn't wrong.." I said with a smirk at Sebastian, making him frown at me.

"You have learned.."


I stood next to Sebastian as Ciel had his morning tea, a slight smile on my face.. Sebastian had been saying with me the past few nights and I had been sleeping much better.. The nightmares still came, but the terrors had stopped, something about his presence soothed me.. Made me feel safe..

"Today's tea features cabinet pudding made with local blackberries." Sebastian announced, setting the plate down gently in front of him.

"You're certainly carefree.." Ciel said throwing a strange look toward the butler.

"There's no need to rush.." He said calmly, though the calming silence was short lived as the other servants rushed in in a panic.  

"Sebastian!!" Mey-rin exclaimed out of breath.

"What is it? You're making a fuss.." He asked, a look of annoyance on his face.

"We can't find Angela anywhere!" Finny cried, concern and anxiety showing through everything he was.

"Oh she said there were some medicinal herbs growing by the fen, so she was going to pick them." Sebastian said a matter of factly, without a trace of concern.

"She went to the fen by herself..?" Finny asked, his shoulders sinking as his worry grew stronger.

"When there might be a demon hound lurking about!?" Mey-rin gasped, her concern growing to match Finny.

"Oh hell!" Bard exclaimed, I didn't understand.. She's a grown woman, not a child.. She can handle herself in her own..

"Why would she be picking herbs in a time like this..?" Finny asked sadly, tears welling in his eyes.

"Oh well, it looked like she was worried about how pale you were.." I said softly, Finny really liked this woman.. I had pity for him..

A look of shock took over his glum face, staring at me wide eyed. "She did it for me..?" He asked, I only shrugged at him.

"Let's go Sebastian!" Bard commanded, and when Sebastian didn't move he stopped. "What's wrong with you?! Are you a red-blooded man or what?!" He yelled before bursting from the room and out into the fog, the rest of the servants following after him.

"Well? What color is your blood?" Ciel asked with a playful smirk.

"It looks as though we've developed a need to rush.." Sebastian said, avoiding his masters question.

"Put on a first rate show for me Sebastian.." Ciel grinned wickedly, locking eyes with his butler.

"Yes my lord."


Well well this chapter was awful.. Hello my lovely readers I am so sorry it took me this long to update.. It's been one hell of a crazy year.. Too much crap went down.. But now here I am! Back with my motivation to write again! I hope you guys will continue reading as I have much of this story left to write! Hopefully the next update will be out soon! Thank you guys so so much for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!  ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

The Return (A Sebastian Michaelis Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon