Slapping my hand over my mouth, I inwardly cursed as this was the beginning sign that I was hanging out with Suga too much and beginning to take in his nonchalant self.

When the two had composed themselves again, I took this chance to explain my bluntness. "I didn't mean it like—" this unfortunately caused the two to erupt into more laughter that wasn't muffled.

Groaning in embarrassment, I threw my head back, listening to the loud laughter.

"Are you two done yet?" Shortly after the laughing ceased and Yeri wiped a tear from eyes. Biting her lower lip, she nodded in spite of the brief but noticeable giggles that escaped her lips.

Before I could scold her for laughing, the door to our classroom opened up. I stopped my speech abruptly, thinking that it was my teacher. Instead two mailmen, wearing hats that covered their face, entered the classroom holding boxes; one holding two smaller boxes while the other holding a fairly large box.

Everyone present in the class stopped what they were doing and stared at the two familiar strangers.

"Excuse me~" the shorter one sang singly.

The taller of the pair sighed loudly before punching the shorter one on the arm, making the latter wince in pain. "Is Bae Minji present?" He spoke, using his deep voice that I recognised.

A few of my classmates recognised both the two mailmen and instantly squealed just after hearing their voices. Girls clutched onto each other, trying not to pass out.

I stayed deadpan as I raised my hand in the air while masking my emotions. The two males jogged over to me and placed the boxes on my desk before lifting up their hats to reveal their faces that were being concealed.

"Minji! It's us, Jimin and V." The taller one leaned in and whispered to me.

Jiho and Yeri chuckled at my expression as I gave an airy laugh, "what no way V-oppa. I couldn't tell that was you at all." I said with sarcasm in my tone.

V gasped and pumped his fist in the air. "Really!?"

I squinted my eyes at him, wondering if he was kidding or not. Before I could confront him, our teacher walked in with a scowl present on her face. Her lips pulled down to a near sinister frown and her wrinkles deepened.

While V was too busy cheering for his false accomplishment, Jimin had already bobbed down to the floor and was currently crawling to the back exit of our classroom.

"Kim Taehyung, not a face that I was hoping to see in my classroom ever again." Ms Ji spoke loudly. The look on V's face changed in a near instant and I could see the goosebumps form on his skin as he turned pale white.

He turned to his side to find the space Jimin occupied empty.

Truly, these two are the most inspiring pair of best friends I've ever seen in my entire life.

His lips pursued as bullets of sweat dripped down his face, feeling the angry aura that was being emitted by non other than my teacher. He slipped me a sticky note and dashed off before Ms Ji could wring his neck and strangle him with her bare hands till he passed out.

"Bye Minji, let's talk later! Have fun in old lady Ji's class." V called out from the hallways. Ms Ji's face burned in a red hue as she snapped the ruler in her hand in half.

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