Miranda's P.O.V.

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Rite a way I tecstid Stingy to tell him the grate nooz.

Me: Stingy! OMG OMG! Cum bak to the restront cwickly! Same and Kat r ded!

Stingy: Don't screw around with me...

Me: Im not. Just cum onn, Stingy. I hav uther peeple to tell the nooz too and ur waisteeng my tim.

Stingy: Alright fine, you uneducated bag of dirt.

Me: Kool. C U then.

After my convo with Stingy, I called T-BO. "OMG OMG OMG OMG. T-BO. I hav eksitieng nooz. Same is ded and so is her noo ugly frend!"

"Mmm' kay." He sed, "I will bee rite thare." And he literilly shoed up in lik a sekind.

"Hey y'all." He said. "I brot tockoz on a stik." We all grabed a tocko and wated for Stingy to arive. 

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