Calling the Cops

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"We need to call the cops." said Miranda.

"Purr." agreed Puranda.

"Let's call them now!" said Freddie.

Gibby dialed 911 and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello," he said, "this is Father Gibby. I would like to report an attempted murder."

"GIBBY?!" asked the voice with excitement, "It's T-BO!"

"OMG OMG OMG OMG. T-BO!" said Gibby, "What are you doing?"

"I'm a 911 call taker now!" he said excitedly.

"We are outside my church," GIbby told him.

"Okay," said T-BO, "A police officer is coming your way as soon as I get these tacos on a stick sold."

Minutes later, the cop car pulled up and the officer stepped out. The officer was a woman... MRS. BENSON.

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