Under Arrest!

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"This girl is under arrest," explained Mrs. Benson, "She tried to kill my son."

"How horrible!" Michelle Obama gasped, "And she's eating so unhealthily! Look at all of those fries and all of those ribs! Carry on."

Michelle looked over towards the iCarly crew's table. "Purr." said Puranda.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG." said Michelle, "You're Miranda and Purranda Cosgrove!" She looked over at Gibby, Freddie, and Spencer, "You're the weird friend, and you're the weird brother! And you're the camera guy!"

"OMG." said Spencer, "You're Michelle Obama."

Meanwhile, Mrs. Benson was handcuffing Same. Then, a middle aged man with an odd mustache dressed in all blue ran in. "Somebody's in trouble!"

"Sportacus," said Michelle, "It's okay. She is not a good person. She tried to kill this boy. Even worse, she is VERY unhealthy. She has five orders of food over there all for herself."

"That's horrible!" gasped Sportacus.

Mrs. Benson held onto Same tight. "Let go of me, ugly. Your sweaty hands are ruining my Kim K dress." screamed Same.

"You have the right to remain silent." said Mrs. Benson. Same gave her a stank look. Mrs. Benson whipped out her butter sock and whacked Same straight in her ugly face. Same began to cry silently.

"Let Same go!" screamed Kat. She screamed so loud that her glass cup broke and shards of glass stuck into her face. She screamed again from pain and broke Same's glass cup which shot more shards of glass at Same's arm, making her bleed.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG. Kat." said Same, "You made me get blood on my Kim K. dress!"

"OMG OMG OMG OMG. Same." said Kat, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, my love." said Same. Then, Mrs. Benson whacked her with the butter sock again.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG. How many times do I have to tell you that you have the right to remain silent?" Same cried softly but even harder than before. Just when Same thought things couldn't get any worse, Stingy walked in wearing sweatbands and holding a basketball. He was "Poot-less". Instead he had a beautiful man with him, Stephen Curry.

The End of A WebshowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora