Same's P.O.V.

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"We have to hide. Ahahahahahahahaha." I sed, speding doun the hiyway. It wuz geting dark.

"We can go to my Nona's apartmint." sed Kat.

I looked at her beautiful broun eyes and I sed, "That wood be perf."

She smiled. She was reely atractiv. I new that I was gai all of this time. I couldn't believe that I had kissed Freddie before several times.

"Ahahahahahahahaha. Youre myne now." I said.

Stingy drove up in the car next to us, wif a bootiful figoor nects too himm.

"This is Poot and shee iz MYNE!" screemed Stingy.

"Wut ar yu duing, Stingy?!" I yeld.

"I em takin ovr the wurld with Poot as riteful Prince Stingy!" shoutid Stingy.

"Hooz this? Ahahahaha.." saed Kat.

Poot ded her signuhchure smil and kissed Stingy. I reelized that I wus replased.

"Cum on Kat, letz get out of hear." I sed. I sped up and wee drove far far away. We drove so far away that we aksidetnilly went to the land of Far Far Away ware King Shrek had wunse rooled. Shrek caym up to us."Hey ladies." he said. "Sweet moterbyke yu got their."

"Thanxxx." I said, "You arr a tru idil too uss."

"I tri my best." said Shrek, "How 'bout wee go out fer sum drinks."

"Sher," I said, "Anytheng but diet cok."

"Wee can defiently araynje that." he said weenking.

We went to a restront colled "Donkey's Waffles and Hoof Massage." Ther wuz reely gud wafflez and cok products thare, but I just had an alkoholic drink colled "Dragon Breath". It wuz reely spicey and reminded mee of my sole. We sat in reklining chares wear we got are feat maussojed. Pinnochio maussojed my feet and the wood of his hands reely hit the spot.

Wen we wur done, Shrek wocked us out to my motersikel.

"Thanx, Shrek." I said, "Wee had a grate time."

"Wut are yore names? I never cot them." he replyed.

"I'm Same and this iz my frend, Kat." I said.

"You too wur sum luvlee dayts tonite." he said weenking.

"Okay." I said, a littul freeked out, "Wee are going now."

"Bye ladyes." he sed and we drove off.

"That wuz weerd." sed Kat.

"Yeah. Let's keep going. We need to get to ur Nona's apartmint beefor morning." I sed and sped eevin faster down the rode. At 4 a.m. we fynully arived at Nona's plase.

"Hay, Kat." sed Nona, "Hooz this?"

"This iz Same, my noo gurlfrend." sed Kat. I blushed.

"Oh, how nise." said Nona.

"Can we pleez cum in, Nona?" asked Kat, "We need to hyde frum the poleese. Same killed a boy."

"OMG OMG OMG OMG." sed Nona, "Gett insyde now pleez."

We satt down on her cowch. She gave us lotz of fryd chikkin, my fav.

"Ur the best, Nona." sed Kat.

The chickkin was so guud. Wen we wure dun eeting, we explaned to Nona wut had happind.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG." said Nona, "U two need to stay her fer awile. I'm not going too be responsibel for this tho. I'm moving owt to a retyrmint hoem."

"Ahahahahahahahaha." I sed, "This meens that we can doo wutever we wunt here and ordur soooo menny chikkin wingz!"

"Ahahahahahahahaha!" said Kat, "Good idya."

"All rite." sed Nona. I'm going to bedd and I'll bee out uv here bi morning."

We wint to bedd and so did Nona. We wok up the nects day and Nona wuz gon. Ahahahahahahahaha. We had the hole apartmint to owrselfs.

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