Puranda's P.O.V.

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We wocked intoo the restront. It wuz reely fansey. We sat in a larj corner bouth and out uv the corner uv mi eye, I sol them... Same and Kat.

"Purr... Purr... Purr... " I sayd repeetidly.

"Wut is it, Puranda?" asked Miranda.

I pointid to the Same and Kat- astrophe (LOL) with mi tail and Miranda sol them. "OMG OMG OMG OMG." sed Miranda.

"It's Same." wisperd Freddie to his Mom. His Mom got upp and sloly wocked over to them.

"UR UNDUR AREST!"she yeled.

"Wut the hek." sed Same to Kat, "It's Freddie's mom. Gross."

"I sed that ur undur arest!" yeled Freddie's mom.

"Wut is going on?" asked a voise frum the booth behind Same and Kat. The oner uv the voise stoud up. OMG OMG OMG OMG. It wuz the ferst laydee, Michelle Obama.

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