Nothing is said for a while, but it's a weird silence as opposed to our normal ones. That is, until Charlie clears her throat. "Zee, um..."

I butt my blunt out and tuck it away in my pocket. "Hm."

"Um...okay," she breathes, and I can see her fidgeting with her fingers in my peripheral vision. "Shit," she then curses. "I um...I wanna tell you something."

Well this certainly gains my attention. I turn my body towards her completely. "What is it?" I examine her face closely, searching it for any sign of what she has to say. It's shit, but the first thought that pops into my mind is that she's pregnant. And I know we want more kids, but the timing couldn't be any shittier, to be honest.

"Well...when I was changing Adrian and giving him a bath...I..." She closes her eyes and swallows as I furrow my brows, not completely sure where she's going with this...but I don't think it's pregnancy. And she's got that thing in her uterus so she doesn't get knocked up, so there's that.

"I...he...on his back and stomach...Zee...." And at that, she fucking loses it. Her hands cover her eyes and she begins sobbing uncontrollably and blubbering about something, but I don't quite catch it.

What the hell is she trying to say?

She starts shaking her head. "He...there are bruises..."

What the...breathe Zayn, breathe and do not lose your shit.

"Are you..." I start to shake at the thought, my hands trembling and my blood pressure steadily climbing (I'm sure), finally understanding where she's going with this.

She hits him, she fucking hits him. That filth puts her hands on that little boy. Oh fucking...oh no. I can' someone could hit a toddler just fucks me up.

I begin muttering to myself- I know I look like a madman but it keeps me from throwing on my shoes, going over there and giving her exactly what she gives Adrian but twice as worse.

I find myself slamming the screen door, startling Charlie, no doubt, before walking inside of the house. So many emotions are running through me, and we all know I've never been good at channeling them into something positive. But I need to remain level-headed. Character building, I think it's called, but beats the hell outta me.

But I do know that I need to see this for myself, because-

I knew she was hardly parent of the year, and I even suspected that she neglected him. He always had an appetite that was unmatched by any toddler I've ever met, and he seemed so unhappy when he was around her. Not to mention when she would drink, she would treat him like shit, yell at him, you know. She would never dress him appropriately for the weather, like that time she left him on the steps. And really, it's all the small things that I should have picked up on that led to physical abuse, but didn't. I guess I just never thought she would hurt him like that. But I should have known, nor should I not be as stunned as I am.

I walk up the stairs and slip into Marley's bedroom. I don't know if Charlie followed me, but I have to see Adrian. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

He's sound asleep, right next to Marley, with the duvet pulled up to his chin and a small smile pulling on his lips. It's almost like he's had the best day ever- that he's just so damn happy to be here. He looks so peaceful laying no one can hurt him. And I guess that's true in more ways than one.

I swallow thickly, bending down and drawing the covers back. He's dressed in an old t shirt of Marley's and a pair of his pajama pants. Fucking shit, I don't think I'm ready for this.

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