Chapter 14

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"Pharaoh Bakura and a few of his followers have infiltrated the castle and..." Seto called out frantically to his king. 

"kidnapped some of the villagers you so graciously brought here," Bakura interrupted him. 

Seto growled at him. Bakura walked slowly up the stairs to the gate swinging his sword back and forth. 

"You know I would just let them go if you would just surrender now and let me kill you so I can take the throne and rule Egypt my self." Bakura suggested with a shrug. 

"As wonderful as that sounds, Bakura, I think I'll pass," Yami said, his voice laced with sarcasm. 

"It's your call boy. Refuse and I might just kill you and level the city anyway either way my clan still gets all your land." 

As Bakura came closer Yami pulled out his own sword and pushed Mana behind his back. 

"You won't be able to protect anyone including her with that." bakura laughed before he charged at him. 


Yugi signalled for some of the villagers to follow him and the rest to go to their assigned positions. The villagers scurried off to do their jobs. Yugi and the villagers that followed him approached a small tent lit up with torches he could see a silhouette of to people inside the tent. One was of a tall strong woman undoubtedly the former queen. The other was a young man sitting on the ground. Yugi suspected that it was Atem. his suspicions were confirmed when the queen reached down and smacked the young man across the face. She always treated Atem that way. 

The seen made Yugi's blood start to boil. He never usually got mad but he couldn't take seeing her hurt him anymore. He decided that he was done letting her get away with it. He grit his teeth and signaled for the first few to work on subduing the queen. Two men snuck up behind her and clasped a clothed hand around her mouth. she struggled but soon passed out from the drug that one of the merchants from the village had provided. 

Once she was unconscious they used some spare rope from the corner of the tent to tie her up just encase she woke up before they got her back to the castle. 

Yugi ran up to Atem and helped him up off the ground. He pulled a small knife out from behind him and cut the ropes binding Atem's arms.  Atem's arms whipped around from behind him and wrapped around Yugi's middle and brought him close. 

"Yugi!" he cried into the younger mans shoulder. 

Yugi smiled, "It's alright I'm here!" 

Yugi couldn't help himself as tears poured out of his large eyes and he sniffled. 

"You always were a bigger crybaby than I was." Atem sid wiping away a single tear that had escaped his sparkling eyes. 

Yugi couldn't hold it in any more, "I'm so happy you are ok!" 

He was sobbing now with his head in his hands trying to hide his red face from the rest of the people there. 

Atem slowly removed Yugi's hands from his face and brought his chin up level with his own while he whipped a few tears from his face. Atem smiled before bringing his lips to Yugi's. Yugi leaned into the kiss much harder then the young man excepted. He retaliated with more passion. the world seemed to melt around them as Atem ran his fingers through Yugi's hair and yugi's hands explored his back. Time seemed to slow to a stop. It was as if all the problems of the world disappeared in that moment. 

But it didn't last long because the two were pulled apart by the sounds of shouting coming from the tents next to them and the sounds of rushing flames.   


Yami parried Bakura's blow with a grunt and was pushed back almost falling on top of Mana. he shoved Mana back into Seto's arms. 

"Get her out of here! I'll hold him off until you come back with some reinforcements!" Yami yelled as he blocked another blow from bakura. 

Yami twirled around and slashed at Bakura and grazed his arm.

"I'm surprised. You're actually quiet skilled with that short sword of yours but you don't have the blood lust to take me down!" bakura hissed as he swiped and stabbed at Yami never giving him a chance to issue a counter attack.  

Yami winced as Bakura's blade grazed his shoulder and then again when he sidestepped and the blade narrowly missed his chest. Bakura whipped the sword wildly down across Yami's right leg. Blood splattered out of the wound after the sword tore a deep gash in his thigh. He winced and fought on.

Bakura pushed him back further into the castle slashing through the soft stone walls when yami managed to dodge him. the danced into the throne room where Yami was crowned just a few weeks before. Blood oozed out of his wound in his leg and he was starting to get light headed. In his clouded vision Yami made on crucial mistake and miss judged the distance Bakura could reach. Blood sprayed everywhere as Yami's abdomen split open. He made a strangling sound before using all his strength to catch Bakura off guard. Yami shoved his short sword into Bakura's stomach and buried it down to the hilt. 

Yami and bakura both slumped to the floor puking up blood.

Bakura broke out into a bone chilling laugh, "I take it back kid you do have it in you. You're nothing like your pathetic mother!" 

Bakura was cut off by his own rattling cough. More blood sprayed from his lips. 

"Haha Ha.... but you're not much better off you highness!" Bakura gave him an evil smile before the thief king collapsed into a puddle of his own blood. 

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