Chapter 8

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Seto hadn't expected Yami to fail his mission but then again maybe it was better that way. Yami was only a few days away from his 13th birthday and once he turned 13 he could be coronated and then he could just release Atem and announce to the kingdom that he was alive provided that the queen hasn't gotten rid of Atem yet.

Seto was forced to flee with Yugi to a village on the outskirts of Egypt. While there he discovered something terrible.

<back in Atem's room>
" I was looking for you!" Yami lied.

"Really? Well why didn't you look for me in my chambers?" She asked looking down on him.

"Because I knew you would be in here trying to cover up what you've done." Yami said coldly before walking out of the room.

His mother hissed as he left and glared at him.
<at the village>
"What do you mean you think Bakura did it?" Joey asked.

"Who else has a grudge against the pharaoh, Joey!" Yugi cried.

"It does make sense." Seto said, "and he is know for getting into secure places with no one knowing."

"But what are we going to do! The barbarians are suiting up in the east for war and with the pharaoh gone and no heirs there's no way that Egypt can defend itself! And we'll just get caught in the cross fire!" Joey complained.

"There are two heirs! Honestly do you pay attention!" Seto hissed at him.

"I knew that!" Joey huffed.

"Guys we need to stop fighting!" Yugi cried.

"Your right Yug, we need to focus on what matters here!" Joey yelled, "why I otta track Bakura down myself!" He stood up and clenched his fist.

"No we have to establish an heir and find Yugi's master first." Seto said.

"What's more important then finding the creep that got us in this mess!"

"Joey he's one of the princes." Yugi said quietly.

"Your kiddin'!" Joey gasped

"No I'm not that's why it's so important that we find him. Is Yami still going to be coronated soon?" Yugi asked Seto.

"Yes, unless his mother stops it which I doubt she will she has been waiting for this day for a long time, but if she finds out our plans for saving Atem she might change her mind."

The coronation was about to begin and soon Yami's Mother will have no power over him or his brother.

The first thing he would do is announce that his brother was alive and that he had proof that his mother did what she did. Then the courts could decided what to do with her.

He wondered if Seto would come to watch.

Yami stepped into the throne room and ran his fingers along the throne.

"Soon it will all be yours my prince." A sweet voice said behind him.

"Mana! What are you doing here!?" Yami said swiveling around to face her.

"I came to see you crowed." She said with an enormous smile.

He smile back at her.

"Sorry I couldn't be around as much because of my training and all..." She said.

"I don't mind."

"I heard about your brother... I'm sorry you never got to meet him he was very kind."

"You still remember him?" Yami asked taken aback.

"How could I not!" She exclaimed,
"He had the biggest heart anyone could find! But he was never as strong willed as you." 

She blushed.

"Listen Mana, he's not dead. He's still alive," Yami whispered in her ear," you can't tell anyone, not yet. If my mother finds out what Seto and I are planing to do we could loose him!"

"Your mother! I should have known!" She hissed.

Yami smiled, "then will you help me bring her to justice?"

"You can count on me!" She said with a grin.

"Good! Now I just need to get over the pre-coronation nerves and soon all of this will be over!"

The queen opened the doors to the closet slowly.

She peered in and pulled Atem out of the closet. He moaned but didn't wake up. He had gone days with out water or food and was starting to look more like a corps than a living thing.

"Now, where should I take you were no one in Egypt can find you?" She sneered.

Then the thought occurred to her, she was going to be charged with treason probably anyway so why not just commit an actual crime of treason?

She smirked the Barbarians would find her knowledge of the Egyptian empire very helpful and they would have no problem using the prince as a hostage.

The prisoner's savior. (Boyxboy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat