Chapter 7

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Author's note

Thanks so much for over 700 views! I really appreciate it! I really appreciate all the votes and comments too! We are nearing the end I think... I only have a plan for 3 more chapters. I might do a sequel if there is a big enough demand for it but at this point I don't have any ideas for one! Again thanks for reading!

The queen cried desperately as her husband was lowered into his tomb.  Yami and Seto were also crying but they were also confused. They had no idea who killed the pharaoh. They thought it was the queen as a ploy to crown Yami before the kingdom found out that Atem was alive, but she wasn't with him when he died. He was in a closed diplomatic meeting. No one but he, other leaders, and servants were allowed into the room.

Of course the queen blamed Atem but she couldn't throw him in the dungeon with out anyone noticing so she decided to throw his servant in instead.


Yugi sighed as he laid on the straw bed in the corner of the cell.

He couldn't stop thinking about who had actually killed the king. He knew it was Bakura, but he had no proof. Bakura wasn't even supposed to be in Egypt. Last he heard he was captured by the barbarians that conquered Yugi's village before he was sold into slavery and ended up in Egypt.  Bakura had always had a grudge against the king and his decedents because of kul Elna.

Yugi sighed again. The sun was going down and soon he would be left in darkness. He wondered how Atem was doing.


"This is all your fault!" The queen screeched at him.

"My fault how can it be my fault!" Atem snapped.

She slapped him a crossed the face and screamed, "you thought that if you did this that you would become the pharaoh!"

"What?! I don't even want--"

"To late you ruined everything!"

She grabbed him by his hair and dragged him into the closet and locked the door.

"No one will ever find you again!" She hissed.

(3 weeks later)
"I'm so confused! If she didn't kill him then who did!?" Yami whispered to Seto while they were out searching the castle that night.

"I don't know, but are you sure we need to break them out we would be commuting high treason!" Seto hissed

"He's my brother! And your cousin!"

"Yes but the servant too!?"

"He knows something about what happened I just know it!"

Seto sighed and leaned up against the sandstone wall.

"We need to split up." Yami whispered.

Seto nodded, "I'll go down to the dungeon and you go to his room."

"Make sure you are not followed. We can take them to kisara."


Seto crept down the stairs to the dungeon. The walls were cold and damp. He could hardly see his hands in front of  him. When he came to the last step he crouched by the wall listening for guards before proceeding to Yugi's cell. 

Seto squinted at each cell as he passed hoping to see even the slightest hint of his ridiculous. 

"Who's there?" Yugi called coming to the door of his cell. 

"It's me Seto. Now be quiet while I think of a way to get you out of hear!" Seto hissed. 

"Don't you know visiting hours are over, Kid?" a guard hissed at Seto before grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. 

Seto smirked and said, "Looks like I found a way to get you out of here." 

seto kicked the back of the guards knees and he fell to the ground. Seto weaved his fingers together and pounded the guard with all his might on the back of his neck. the guard dropped to the cold stone floor with a grunt and moved no more. 

Seto riffled through his clothes until he found the keys and unlocked the door letting Yugi out. 

"why are you doing this?" Yugi asked him. 

"Because Yami thinks you can help clear up what is going on with the Pharaoh's death." he said 


Yami snuck to Atem's door wondering along the way how he would get in without breaking the door. He had one more corner to slip past when he noticed that there were guards stationed at all the doors along that hallway. There was no way that he could proceed without being noticed. He cursed himself for not thinking of this sooner when he suddenly remembered that Atem's room had a small window and balcony that he could possibly get through, but there was sure to be guards around the perimeter of the Palace. 

He decided that it would be harder for them to notice him out side rather than approaching directly at the door. 

Yami back tracked to the kitchen and slipped out the door they use to get rid of the garbage. Once outside he snuck through the bushes until he could see Atem's window right above him. He climbed up into the window rather ungracefully and snuck into the room. 

The room was dark and desolate. Yami upturned everything he could think of but he still couldn't find him. Yami scratched his head wondering where he could possibly be when the thought occurred to him that he hadn't checked the closet. He was about to check when he nearly jumped out of his skin. 

"Looking for something?" His mother said sweetly with an evil smirk on her face.      

The prisoner's savior. (Boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz