Chapter 3

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"What's your name?" The solemn prince asked the pale boy with starfish tri-colored hair.

"My name is Yugi. What's yours?" He responded to the young prince.


"That's a nice name."


The seven year old prince blushed slightly and turned away from the misty figure at the foot of his bed. He didn't know why but the boy wore clothes he had never seen before and he was almost translucent like a ghost.

The boy was about the same age as the prince but he was smaller than he was. he wore navy blue shorts and a green shirt. His eyes were huge amethyst orbs that seemed to pull the answers right out of Atem's mouth even if he didn't want to tell the boy.

The boy laughed and then skipped to him so that he was now beside him. he took one of the princes hands in his and smiled a huge glowing smile and then said,"Wanna play a game?"

After that day Atem played with Yugi everyday they played all kinds of games like board games and card games. they always turned into huge competitions that even supported bets sometimes.

The only problem was that the more fun Atem had with Yugi the angrier his mother became. She would hiss at him smack him and then yell at him saying that he shouldn't play with kids that didn't exist. At first Atem just cried afterwards not understanding what she meant, because Yugi was real to him. As he got older he began to realize that no one else could see Yugi, but it didn't matter. Yugi was his best friend wether or not Atem had imagined him.

As Atem got older so did Yugi. By the time Atem was 13, however he had already forgotten about Yugi. He spent most of his time absorbed in either a book or making up games he could play with himself. He used to try and escape his prison but he stopped trying a long time ago. It was useless anyway. He couldn't walk, so even if he did manage to pry the boards off his windows and climb out he wouldn't be able to get anywhere afterwards. Plus if his mother caught him trying to sneak out of his room she would punish him severally.

Atem sighed flopping back down on his bed. He winced and grabbed his caramel colored stomach as it growled incessantly . His mother hadn't brought him food in so far... Three days. He sat up looking at the notches that he had carved into his bed post with the knife he managed to snag from one of the trays that his mother brought his food on. he didn't start counting the days he spent without food until recently. The last time he went with out food for a week and a half. At that time he didn't even register how long he had gone without food because he was just to preoccupied with his stomach trying to eat itself to notice.

He sighed and reached over to his dresser to get his book, note book, and games to pass the time and distract him from his grumbling stomach. His eyes widened and he stared at the empty space on top of his dresser. Where were they?

He lowered himself hastily off his bed which caused him to practically fall out instead. He winced when he fell on his hand causing his wrist to twist in an awkward direction under neath him. He pushed him self up and then rummaged through all the drawers trying to find at least one of his precious items. They were basically the only things he had that were his and his alone.

"Looking for these?" He heard his mothers sly voice come from the door to his room.

"Give them back!" He hissed at her. he didn't care if she hit him or spat in his face he just wanted his things back.

"No. because it's your fault!" She screamed tears welding in her eyes. they flickered dangerously as she stared daggers into her son.

"What's my fault?! Nothing's my fault!" He screamed back

"You shut up!" She hissed as she wrapped her hand around his mouth and muted him as she sagged him to the end of his bed.

He let out a muffled scream as she did so punching her arms and chest. his eyes widened and they he let his teeth sink into the flesh of her hand as hard as he could.

She cried out in pain and then ripped her hand away from his mouth as blood from the bite wound dripped from her hand.

She growled at him and then slapped him so hard he hit the floor. He winced and then sat up rubbing his throbbing chin where she had slapped him. she moved to slap him again but this time he reached up and caught her arm before she could make contact. she hissed trying to rip he wrist free from his grip but it was like iron. He glared straight into her eyes and she suddenly realized that she was no longer looking at a frail pathetic boy who couldn't defend himself, but rather an enraged young man with the power to break her wrist if she pushed him too hard.

Her eyes widened and she relaxed her arm letting him know that she was finished. He reluctantly let go and stared at her with suspicion just Incase she tried to pull anything but she didn't.

"I don't have time for this..." she cried,"Yami is sick because you cursed him."

She stood up and left the room and left Atem wondering what she meant buy that of if she just crazy.


10 more days past and she never came back with his things or food. Atem laid in his bed curled in a ball holding his stomach moaning occasionally when the stabbing pains of hunger coursed through his body. he had long since been to week to carve a notch into his bed post to count the days. He was starting to think that was actually going to starve to death when he heard the door to his bed room creak open. he rolled over slightly to she his mother come into the room with a tray. he jumped up and fell of the bed practically begging her for the food on the tray, but instead of giving it to him she set it down on the floor In front of him. He stared at her confused his energy already slipping away.

After that she pushed him down on his face and pulled his arms behind his back and pulled a rope out of her pocket as she pulled him over to the bed post.He struggled against her grip but it was just useless. He was far to weak to resist her.

She pulled his arms behind the bed post and then tied his wrists together with the rope so tight that it almost cut off the circulation to his hands.

He growled at her as she moved to walk out of the room but she stopped just in front of the door.

"I'm getting someone else to take care of you." she said and then walked out the door and locked it behind her.

Atem groaned and then struggled against his restraints staring at the food that was just out of his reach.

He finally gave up after a while and fell asleep wondering what his mother meant by that.


The next morning he woke up to the sound someone rummaging through his drawers and closet. he pealed his eyes wearily hopping it wasn't his mother. He caught a glimpse of a pale boy with tri colored starfish hair that looked like his.

"What are you doing?" Atem asked weekly

The boy spinner around with a yelp and pressed his back against Atem's dresser. His large lilac eyes darted from the floor to Atem and back multiple times before he answered.

"Your awake! I... I was just... I'm your new servant so I was putting your stuff away!! Yeah that's it..."

"Your a lousy liar." Atem said with a smirk

The boy turned bright red and turned away from him in a flash. He started to twiddle with his thumbs when said, "the truth is I was just bored and I was hoping I could find some games to play while you were asleep..."

He was a very timid boy but he seemed to have a strong companionate feeling to him the Atem hadn't experienced in a long time.

"What's your name?" Atem asked

"Yugi." the boy answered

The prisoner's savior. (Boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon