chapter 2

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author's note
sorry for the late update i just Got back from a school trip over seas to London and Paris about 4 days ago. It was a 10 day trip and we only had time for about 2-5 hours of sleep a night. It would be an understatement to say i was tired afterwards. Conveniently i caught a horrible cold after i came home that basically ran me over like a freight train! (did you catch the sarcasm?) so sorry about updating really late i have just been to tired and sick to come up with ideas, but I'm getting better and i am currently inspired so I might get quite a few updates in.

I hope you like this chapter and Please,

"Now's the time..." Atem's mother said while she was in the royal kitchens. She didn't usually make food, she was the queen after all so she didn't have to, but this time she insisted on making food for Atem herself. She had the perfect plan to get rid of him one and for all and let her real son have the throne. She had gone out to the garden late last night getting her supplies. All she needed was a little poison. The garden was bordered with a berry bush filled with toxic fruit so that the animals wouldn't blight the flowers or crops. She picked a hand full of them, assuming that they would be enough to kill that retched boy.

She finished making her son's meal and proceeded down the hall to his room.


Atem laid in bed staring at the brightly colored ceiling. his father had come to see him today and he had begged him to take him outside but his father insisted on trusting atem's mother's judgment, and that was that he was to weak for anything like that. that wasn't true of corse and when he tried to tell his father that he would scoff and tell him that he was only 6 and that he should listen to his mother.

He jumped up when he heard the door to his room squeak hoping it was his father or mahad, but sadly it wasn't.

"Your actually bringing me food?! That's not something you see everyday!" He snarked sarcastically at his mother.

She raised a hand and slapped him so hard he fell out of the bed. he covered his face with his hands and peeked out wearily through the wholes at his angry mother.

"You can't talk to me that way young man!" She hissed.

Atem soon recovered from his shock and sighed through his nose and opening his mouth to speak, but he soon realized that doing this would only make her punish him more severely so he stopped himself. he did however think some very choice words about his mother. conveniently he learned them all from her yelling at him.

"Now I made something special for your birthday." she said

His birthday... he must have forgotten when it was, which was easily done if you were someone under his circumstances. He wondered what she made him. It probably wouldn't be anything good. Odds are that it would make him sick, which is some thing she loved to do.

She set the tray down on his nightstand and then grabbed his arm close to his shoulder and hoisted him back up on to the bed. He winced slightly as she did it. She then shoved the tray in his face without waiting for him to reconfigure himself. Then she sat down at the edge of the bed.

"why are you still here?' he asked her.

"i want to make sure you eat it all." she said simply.

He sighed now absolutely positive that she had done something to his food. He new he shouldn't eat it but at the same time he didn't want her to do that thing again. He shivered and then devoured the meal in front of him.

the thought accrued to him as he was eating that he wouldn't mind if this meal killed him. It would at least get him away from his awful mother, but then with his luck she would follow him to the afterlife in the spirit realm just to torture him.

He suddenly felt his body numbing, well the upper half of his body. (he couldn't feel his legs.) His vision swirled and his hands shook. He lost control of his hand as he brought the food to his mouth and the food slipped out of his hand and onto his lap.

"W...w...what?" he stammered his words slurring until they were nothing but incoherent moans.

"That's it sleep now Child..." he vaguely heard his mother coo evilly.

He began to see double right before his vision faded into the abyss and he went totally limp.

His mother stood up from his bed and walked over to her "sleeping" child. She waited until his breathing slowed and his amethyst eyes went dull and fluttered shut before running to the bathroom. She made sure to ruffle her hair and splash water on her face to make her makeup run so that she would look like she had been crying over her child. She smiled wickedly into the mirror as she made sure that her fear and sadness look genuine. She practice how she would announce her child's death before running to the door of the bedroom and throwing it open.

" Akunumkanon!" she yelled desperately for her husban, "AkunumKanon! It's Atem!... I think he's... I think He's..."
She started to hyperventilate as she said those words.

"what is it, Hatasu?" the Pharaoh called as he ran over to his wife.

"I think He's dead..." she breathed.

"WHAT?!" he cried running into his son's room.

He burst through the door and ran to his son's bed side. he picked up his son's small head with tricolored hair and cradled him in his arm shaking him and calling his name, but the poor boy was dead to the world. The pharaoh cried desperately hugging his limp son.


the doctor had said the the boy was still very alive but that he was just unconscious, but he said that if he didn't wake up in 2 weeks they would be forced to pronounce him dead and bury him. Hatasu seethed with rage when the doctor told her this. It took all her effort not to just simply leave a pillow over the helpless boy's face at night when no one would notice. That would surely kill him, but then again those berries were supposed to kill him. She cursed his impeccable ability to survive. To think she would never have to deal with this if only Yami had been born first. The one year old baby with pale skin, tricolored hair, and crimson eyes was her pride and glory. He would become pharaoh when the time was right, what ever the cost.

a week had passed since she had poisoned Atem and his condition didn't improve. His father had started to become sick with worry and was having a hard time ruling the country under so much stress so Hatasu Took over some of the rolls. She couldn't have him die on her yet. Yami wasn't old enough to inherit a throne yet.

when a doctor checked up on Atem on the first day of the 2nd week he grimaced and shook his head before the pharaoh and his wife. they cried into each others arms for a while until. The pharaoh had to preform his duties. Afterwards Hatasu went to the doctor and bribed him into pronouncing the boy dead a week early.

"If i gave you all the gold you could imagine and a penthouse in the country to live in will you do me a huge favor?" She asked the doctor batting her eye lashes.

the doctor being very greedy did not hesitate to say yes.

Two weeks later an elaborate funeral was held for the "dead" prince. They even had a body. Little did the Crying, heartbroken Egyptians know was that the prince was laying in bed in his room watching his funeral out the window.

The prisoner's savior. (Boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon