Chapter 11

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Author's note

Sorry guys for the long wait! I just started my first semester in collage and I've been so busy! No that I finally have a break for thanks giving I hope I can get some more chapters updated! Anyway thanks so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story! I will always be slightly surprised and proud of the fact that there are so many people that enjoy this story! I can't thank you guys enough!


Seto, Yugi, and Joey all creeped through the sparce trees along the mountains boarding Egypt and the barbarian lands. They were there to find evidence that Bakura Killed the king before they made their way back to Egypt.

"Where do you suppose they are?" joey whispered to Seto.

Seto sighed, "How should I know Wheeler."

"look!" Yugi called out to both of them from the top of the tree covered hill.

Joey and seto scampered up to the top of the hill to stand next to Yugi.

"I looks like we found their camp."


Atem Sat alone on the ground tied to a pole in a tent near the back of the camp when he heard the soliders start yelling.

"In here!" He heard a familiar voice say.

The flap to the tent was pulled open an Yugi and Joey jumped inside. Atem sighed with relief when he saw Yugi.

"Atem!" Yugi cried out while tackling his old master with a bear hug. Atem couldn't hug him back because his arms were tied behind his back so he settled with nuzzling his face against the younger boy's neck.

"Yugi!" He cried before Seto cut him off.

"Quiet you two!" He hissed, "soldiers are coming!"

"We need to untie him!" Yugi whispered to Joey.

"Right!"Joey whispered back.

Before they could though someone stepped into the tent.

"My, my what do we have here? A couple of rats I think!" Bakura laughed with a wicked grin on his face.

All 4 of them gasped seto and Joey lept to their feet ready to fight off Bakura.

"Your going to kill us aren't you?" Seto concluded.

"Probably." Bakura shrugged.

"Then first since your going to kill me any way. Who killed my uncle?"

Bakura let out a loud laugh before answering.

" Well it's no secret! It was me of course but your government is so stupid it believed that bitch Queen's lies!"

Good, Seto thought, He's bragging now all we need to do is fine a way out of this...

Bakura smiled at them, " as much as I want to kill you three I've got more exciting things to do such as annihilating Egypt. But if you think I'm going to let you take my hostage you've got other thing coming!"

Bakura whipped out his knife faster then seto could blink and pressed it against his throat.

"If you so much as touch him one more time I'll slit his throat."

Atem and Joey hissed at him but backed away from Atem.

Yugi gave Atem one last smile before he backed away too.

Atem gave Yugi a longing look but said nothing. As much as he wanted to go home he knew better then to challenge Bakura.

"Good." Bakura said releasing Seto, " now run along and let your king know I'm coming to kill him and take Egypt."

Seto's eyes widened before he hissed at him, "you will never get away with this."

"Oh I think I will."


Seto, Joey, and Yugi gasped for breath as they bolted up the stairs to the castle.

"Let's split up and find Yami!" Seto yelled to the other two.

"Are you looking for me?" Yami asked as he walked past the main gates to the castle as the three pushed open the gates.

"Yes!" All three yelled.

"It's about Bakura! He told us that he killed your father and now he plans to kill you and then take the throne of Egypt!"

Yami snarled, "Damn! I just sent a search party looking for you guys, Atem, and my mother!"

"Do you have enough soliders to defend the city?"


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