Friday, October 9- No date so far and Jay

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Today Mrs. Browne came back! She has been sick since Tuesday and I missed her. To be honest, everyone missed her.

Mrs. Florm told us she made the decision on who's a yearbook editor! But she's not telling us until next week. Are you kidding me?!?! That's kind of rude to tell us you made a decision, and you DON'T TELL US THE DECISION!!!!

All of my tests seemed easy. I mean, you can be so confident on a test and think you know all the answers, yet you fail the test. I hope I did well on all of them.

Since it's Friday, the 8th grade had art today. Every year, the 8th grade class paints a wild animal for their all year project. It's always been a tradition. I decided to paint a zebra. Of course before you paint, you have to draw. Mr. Lipton, the art teacher, told us we have to start on our rough drafts before we draw on the good paper. That's what we did today.

So onto the 8th Grade Dance topic, no one asked me yet. I hope someone asks me because I don't want to be the lonely one. I'm almost positive everyone has a date......

My friend, Jay visited the school today. He's a year older than me and was one of my best 8th grade friends when I was in 7th grade. We did show choir together and hung out every recess. I missed him soo much! And past school alumni can visit the school basically whenever they want to. He decided to visit today. I was soo happy that he visited! Except everyone kept making fun of me, saying he was my boyfriend. They did that last year just because we always hung out.

"Giana, your boyfriend's here." Regina said.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jay walk into the classroom.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I hushed Regina and then ran over to Jay. The teachers didn't really care.

'Hi Jay. I haven't seen you in soo long! How are you?"

"I'm great. How's heat miser?" He laughed. Heat miser is an inside joke between him and me. So we basically talked for the rest of the period. It was so great to see Jay again.

"Too bad Mario isn't here." I said.

Mario was part of our squad. It was Jay, Mario, and me. Mario was also my boyfriend for a few months. He graduated with Jay.

"Yeah too bad."

I was so upset when he left. I probably won't see him again for like another year.

I hope someone asks me to the 8th Grade Dance......

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