Monday, September 21- Happy Birthday Lucy and 21

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Today was Lucy's Birthday. I have know her since Kindergarden and she is a great friend. Happy Birthday Lucy!! We had cupcakes for her during our Literature class, which by the way were soo good.

I today was Monday which means Gym. This month, we are doing the sport soccer.  I used to take soccer when I was five. My skills are defiantly not the same. Today was just did some simple drills like kicking the ball.

At recess, the whole class was playing 21. It's a game when us 8th graders count to 20 and whoever lands on 21 or says 21 is out. You can say up to three numbers at a time. For example you can say 1, 1 2, or 1 2 3. The point of the game is to get everyone out. The populars always get out the least popular kids. Let's just say, I'm never in the final three. The ironic part of this whole game was is that we played 21 on September 21st. Ha!

Nothing really interesting happened to me today. I just gossiped a lot with Chanel about her new boyfriend, Joe. I kept teasing her all day and she kept playfully pushing me all day.

The street faire was so amazing. Aaron won me the unicorn from Despicable Me. It was soo nice of him! I couldn't win anything that night. It was my ticket he spent though. I told him that if he lost he would have to buy me more tickets. He didn't lose.

Again have a great birthday Lucy!

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