Tuesday September 29- The boy who's shadowing and Gana.

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Today there was so many things happening at once.

So I had the literature test and it was actually so easy, The science test didn't even happen. Instead we finished a lab report on microscopes.

Elizabeth has a cold and I feel bad. She hates getting sick just as much as I do. And that's why we are so much a like. Or at least one of the reasons.

At lunch, Natalie told me half of the class hates her. I know Fred, Chanel, Jason, and some other kids aren't talking to her. I don't actually know what though. A lot of the class hates her for no reason.

During recess, the girls played this or that and Netflix and chill. The games are basically you choosing which boy you would rather hook up with or be with. Some of the combinations were Joseph and Jason. Andy or Issac. Some boys that they said weren't in our class and only the really popular girls knew. The boys were from outside of school. Every girl took turns asking the whole group individually which boy over that one. To be honest, it wasn't all that interest except the combinations with the boys in our class. They were kind of interesting to know.

Also during recess, Miss Sander, yes  the principal, came to the 8th grade girls and she asked,

"Can you girls teach me how to put my songs on shuffle?" She was talking about the shuffle in music on her phone. Skylar and Regina did the most helping, but that's okay.

After recess and before science class, Mrs. Browne told us that a boy would be shadowing for his 8th grade year soon. Meaning we would show him around and stuff. I believe he was in 7th grade shadowing for 8th grade but everyone else said it was for this year.  I was too sure about that. All Mrs, Greene said was he was going to be coming soon and that we had to treat him with all the kindness we had.

"If he's cute, I have dibs on him!" Regina said. Literally everyone was fighting about who was going to shadow the new kid. I mean geez, he didn't even show up yet. I don't care because I'll meet him eventually. We will see how this whole "new kid" situation goes....

Regina actually got in trouble in Mrs. Jaller's class today. What happened was she was using Skylar's tablet and we all know it is bad to combine my class and tablets. Regina completely lied to Mrs. Jaller and Skylar almost got know trouble too. Skylar said,

"Mrs. Jaller, I had no idea that Regina took my tablet. It looks like all she did was use my camera but I had nothing to do with it." It actually didn't look like Skylar had nothing to do with it, but I have no clue. Regina on the other hand got her own tablet taken away.

After school, I had the math Entrance Exam class for this week. I have never been in a more boring class in my entire life! These Entrance Exam classes are reviews so everything we "learn" is basically us relearning this. To be honest, you could just give me the review and I'll be fine.

This time 10 people came to the Entrance Exam class. Most of the class was sort of paying attention but not really, like me.

A bunch of other people,including me, we're waiting for the rest of the class to finish their sample questions.  Today I sent next to Erica and while we were waiting for the rest of the class to finish, I watched Erica go on Snapchat. There was some pretty funny stuff on there too. I was really intrigued because I don't have a Snapchat and I don't know what goes on there.

Finally, The hour finally passed and we were free. Ms. Lamich still had to walk us down the door that is just off of the parking lot where our parents wait for us. As we were walking down, Andy yelled,

"Everybody say Gana!" He was recording on his Snapchat.

"Gana!" Everyone yelled except me because that was my nickname.

My name is G (not saying my real name) and I'm Italian. In Italy, people would usually pronounce my name as what is above. Ms. Lamich knows I am Italian so she pronounces my name like that on purpose. My whole class loves this nickname and they tried to spell this pronunciation many times. They would spell it Jana, Jana with the thing about the n, and Gana. I like it spelled Gana so I just used it like that.

"Andy! Ms. Lamich is right there!" I said. She could've heard Andy making fun of how she pronounces my name. Of course, she didn't notice. It was actually pretty funny though.

That was my very long day. I wonder what the new kid will look like or even be like?

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