Monday September 14- Tablets, street faire, and stealing jokes

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Today was my first full day of school. It was also the first day of a lot of homework. What a joy!

This coming weekend is the street faire. The street faire is something the school does in the September to raise money and let us kids and parents catch up. Everyone goes either on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Our class was talking about who we are bringing and when we are going.

Tablets (like IPads and Google tablets) are a bad topic in my class. When I mean this I don't mean it's a bad topic between the kids, but between the kids and the teacher. Last year our math and science teacher, Ms. Lamich, let us use our tablets during class for educational purposes. We all know that we just went on Instagram and Snapchat throughout our classes. I guess she learned her lesson because she wouldn't allow us to bring in our tablets and keep them this year.

" So if we bring our tablets and we put them on the table until we collect them at the end of class. And if we forget them, our parents can't pick them up instead of waiting until June?" Regina asked.

She said we can bring them in, but we have to leave the, on her table until the end of class.

"No, if you forget them, you have to wait until June to get them back." Ms. Lamich said.


"No buts! That's it!"

Regina always tries to make everything go her way. No madder who it is. Friend. Teacher. Anyone.

At lunch, there were so many different conversations and I was listening to all of them.

"My friend from dance is coming with me to the street faire on Saturday." Rosanna said.

"I got the highest score of the week!" Jason said. They were playing some game I don't know.

" I can't believe I have to move over when I got here before Regina and Issac!" Skylar said. When she gets, she gets mad.

I was talking to her about something when Chanel said,

"She's mad, she doesn't want to talk so don't talk to her!"

I wanted to say to her, "Excuse me! You don't tell me who I can and cannot talk to!" But I didn't say that because I didn't want to deal with her.

Then almost right after that she started talking to her! I wanted to say, "And yet, you're talking to her when you told me not to talk to her!" What is wrong with people?

Later during lunch I whispered to Liz,

"Look, Ms. Lamich is flirting with the janitor!" I said it as a joke because they were talking for a while and Ms. Lamich was smiling a lot. She never smiles.

Liz snickered and then Natalie went around saying what I said! By the way, she wasn't giving me credits. Normally, you would say a joke and then say it was by the person who originally said the joke. She overheard me and now she's taking credit for it. Besides everyone was laughing at MY joke.

"I bet you a million bucks that Natalie copied me." I told Liz.

"You're probably right." She said. Then she gave me a I know right? look.

That was my day. I have so much homework.... well that's what school is for.

P.S. I forgot to mention that I talked with my Gryffindor group about decorating our closet. Each house has their own closet to put their coats, lunches and backpacks. Each house has to decorate their closet in the colors of their house. The good part is that they love my ideas for the closet! I am creative, but sometimes, people don't like my ideas. Sometimes. Most of the time they do and knowing my class, I wasn't so sure. Anyway, yaah!

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