Wednesday, September 23- Missing lunchbox, bees and Natalie

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The religion test was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was so worried for nothing.

Something happened to me that has never happened to me before. I forgot my lunch. With my school, you have to order hot lunch at the beginning of the month. And I never oorder hot lunch. The school does offer you a buttered bagel. I was so hungry, I couldn't refuse. As I was almost finished with my bagel, my lunch box is being brought down to me by the lunch aid. So for lunch I had a bagel with butter, a sandwich, and a granola bar. I'm glad I was really hungry because usually, I wouldn't be able to finish all of that food.

The girls from the 8th grade were hanging out with the 7th grade girls at recess today. We were talking about a lot of different things. The first topic was bees and the second one was Natalie. I know both of those topics sound very weird but let me explain.

Let's start with the bees. Twice bees came around to the area we were in. Everyone freaked out. We moved locations twice. Everyone was running and screaming except me. I'm not scared of bees. If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. I was trying to explain that to them. Even Elizabeth ran away and that doesn't happen often. She's never scared like that. I guess a lot of people are afraid of bees.

Before I go on, I want to say that I had no part in this in any way, shape, or form. I am not mean!!!

When someone wants to be mean to someone else they call them Natalie. This means that they think of the person they tease the way they think of Natalie. I think Joseph started this. Natalie gets picked on a lot and I don't know why people do that to her because she's never done anything to them.

In the 7th grade, there is a girl named Josie who is Joseph's little sister. She is on the cheer team with Regina and Lucy. Because they are popular, Josie will do whatever they say. They said to her to start teasing Natalie and keep telling her she is annoying and for her to leave. That's just cruel and I don't know in their right
mind who
After Natalie left, Regina said, "Nice job, Josie!" and gave her a high five. Before the next period started, Natalie told on Josie to Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Browne talked to Josie, but I am almost 100% sure that Regina's nor Lucy's name was mentioned. Regina still knows Natalie told on Josie and now Regina hates Natalie.

Natalie was doubting about telling on Josie. I told her,

"You did the right thing. No one deserves to be treated that way." I felt really bad that the whole situation happened to her. Sadly, that's the normal in my school.

Every Wednesday, the priest from our parish comes and has a religion class with us 8th graders. It's really fun. We talked about our earliest memories and where we were born. Father James said he moved eleven times in his lifetime! I have never even moved once in my life.

Possibly more drama tomorrow. I. Don't. Even. Know!!! I hope this Natalie thing stops because it's just so wrong......

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