Chapter 22

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The next night, Sebastian, Liam, Luna, Love, and Cyrus all got dressed, and left for the Potter mansion. Sebastian was nervous. He wanted to make a good impression on Liam's parents. He knew that Liam's parents weren't particularly fond of the idea of having a gay son. Sebastian remembered how his own "father" had reacted when he came out. He shuddered at the thought. Liam grabbed his hand, and gave it a squeeze.

"It's gonna be okay.", he said. Sebastian smiled at him weakly.

Once everyone was seated around the table, supper began. Sebastian really liked Liam's sister Elsa. She was really sweet, and it was hard to see how anyone could dislike her. Liam's mother, Anna was very nice. She was a bit stiff at first, but Sebastian thought that she probably would be okay. Then there was Liam's father, Hans. Hans was a very stiff, posh man. He had an ego the size of the pacific ocean, which he was very proud of. Sebastian hoped that they wouldn't see Hans that much, he didn't want him to rub off on his kids. Not that he'd ever tell him that out loud. Liam stood up.

"Everyone, we have announcement to make.", he said smiling proudly. Everyone looked at Liam curiously.

"Sebastian and I are expecting a baby in April." Anna gasped happily. Elsa smiled knowingly. Hans, however, turned the color of a tomato. He turned to Sebastian.

"You!", he said angrily, "You did this!"

"He didn't do anything!", Liam said, angrily.

"He's the reason your gay.", Hans said spitting out the word gay, like it was some sort of disgusting disease, or something.

"No, dad. I'm gay. I've always been gay.", Liam said evenly, "I can see now this was a bad idea. We'll be leaving now. Mom, come see us sometime. Els, you know your always welcome, and I'll call you Sunday." Both the Potter women smiled at Liam sadly. Liam gathered the girls, and Cyrus from where they had been having dinner with the staff. Once they got in the car Sebastian started to cry. Liam hugged him, while the girls watched silently from the back seat, and Cyrus slept through it all. This evening definitely hadn't gone as planned.

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