Chapter 10

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A week later Sebastian and Cyrus were ready to go home. They couldn't fly because of Cyrus, so Liam had ordered a car. Sebastian, of course, had told Liam to take the plane, but Liam insisted on staying with them.

Sebastian opened the door to his apartment, intent on getting in and unpacking. He flicked on the light.


Sebastian gasped, standing there in his apartment were all the Warblers. Wes, David, Trent, Thad, and all the rest of the guys. As well as Kurt, Blaine, Nick, and Jeff. Of course everybody brought their kids too, so the girls didn't feel left out. Immediately all the children ran off to Luna and Love's room.  Sebastian set Cyrus, in his car seat, down and turned to everybody.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We're all here for your surprise baby shower.", Blaine said smiling. He was holding Akshay, and Kurt was holding Kendrick.

"When we were planning we just happened upon some Warblers.", said Kurt, smiling.

"This is for me?", Sebastian asked tears welling in his eyes.

"Oh, Bas don't cry!", Nick said coming, and hugging Sebastian, which lead to a lovely Warbler hug pile. Liam smiled. He was glad he had asked, Nick, Jeff, Kurt, and Blaine to plan this while they were gone. It would be good for Sebastian.

As the night wore down, the Warblers slowly left until it was just, Nick, Jeff, Kurt and Blaine. Well, of course, Liam was there too. They were talking about having a playdate at the park soon. Kurt yawned, and Jeff soon did the same. Blaine stood up.

"Well, we should get going.", said Blaine.

"We should too.", said Nick standing up. Sebastian stood too.

"It was great to see you guys.", he said hugging each of them. The four men gathered their children, and were leaving when Sebastian stopped Blaine.

"So who's master plan was this?", he asked.

"Ask your girls.", Blaine said smirking, "They'll tell you."

"Okay?", Sebastian said.

"And call me, when your ready to talk.", Blaine said patting Sebastian's shoulder.

Liam came out of the girls room.

"I should be leaving too, darling.", he said heading towards the door.

"Alright.", said Sebastian sadly. Liam gave him a quick peck on the mouth, and walked out the door. Cyrus was sleeping so Sebastian headed towards the girls' room to tuck them in. After they were both in bed Sebastian turned to Luna, "So are you going to tell me who's idea it was to throw this party?"

Luna shook her head giggiling.

"Can I have a hint?", Sebastian asked.

"It's somebody you love.", said Love from her bed.

"Somebody I love?", Sebastian said thinking.

"Was it grandpa Ron?", he asked.

"No.", Luna said giggiling

"Was it Aunt Holly?", he asked.

"Nope.", Love said.

"Grandma Smythe?", he asked.

"No.",said Luna.

"Who then?", Sebastian asked genuinely confused.

"Papa, Liam!", said Love, in a "duh" voice.

Sebastian turned to his daughter in shock.

"When did you start calling him Papa?", he asked.

"While you were gone with Cyrus.", said Luna.

"He said we didn't have to, but we wanted to.", said Love.

"I see.", Sebastian said slowly. He kissed the girls goodnight, and walked out of the room. He walked to his room in a daze, and dialed Blaine's number.

"Hello?", Blaine said, knowing full well why Sebastian was calling.

"Blaine, I'm in love with Liam.", Sebastian said in shock.

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