Louis sat in his seat and didn't say much. His throat had been a bit scratchy earlier, but when he'd woken from his nap, it was quite sore. He was also shivering while he noticed Liam was sweating from the heat of the room, so he figured he had fever. He sighed quietly, knowing now that it wasn't allergies and that Harry had been right all along. He had honestly felt fine all day, but now it seemed like it was catching up to him.

He felt a tickle in his throat and tried to swallow the cough away, but it was no use. He coughed, trying to do it quietly. Nobody seemed to notice, except for Harry, who shifted in his seat as he tried to ignore it, knowing that management would be mad if he paid Louis too much attention.

As the interview progressed, Louis found himself stifling sneezes and coughs frequently, not always being able to get them to go away. He felt tired and achy and just all over really yucky. He really wanted to take Harry up on his earlier offer and go home and cuddle, but he knew he had to get through this interview first. He thought that maybe once it was over, he could talk to Harry and get out of the second interview.

Harry had taken note of Louis's symptoms getting progressively worse, and he was looking forward to the interview ending so that he could talk to Louis. He wanted to take him home. He didn't think that Louis could get away with saying he's not sick, not anymore.

Just as the interview was wrapping up, Louis felt a headache coming on, and he knew that this wouldn't end well. His colds often gave him headaches, and they would often develop into migraines. He hoped that this one wouldn't.

When the interview was over, they all stood to shake hands with the interviewer, and Harry quickly made his way over to Louis.

"Babe," he said quietly. "Please don't say you're fine. I want to—"

"Harry, I'm sorry. You were right. I thought I was okay. I really did. I felt fine this morning, but as the day goes, I keep feeling worse and worse, and I just wanna go ho—"

"Aright! Let's go! Make your way down the hall. The next interview starts in less than two minutes!" one of their managers called out. He came over and waved a hand between the two boys. "Break it up, you two," he said sternly. Harry opened his mouth to say that he wanted to take Louis home since he wasn't feeling well, but the man turned and left before he had the chance.

The next thing they knew, they were being shoved down the hall and to the next interview room, headphones being passed out as they were shown to their stools at the table, each having a microphone in front of them.

Angry, Harry stood to find someone from management, when he heard the radio DJ begin the interview. He knew he couldn't leave now, so he huffed and sat back down. He looked over to Louis who gave him a sympathetic look and tried to give him a reassuring shrug that it would be alright, but Harry was still mad. Louis should be at home resting, but there was nothing they could do at the moment. Once the interview was over, they could go home. They'd just have to make it though.

Again, Louis didn't say much. He only answered questions that were asked directly to him. The other boys had picked up on the fact that he wasn't feeling well, and they tried to redirect questions away from him as much as possible.

Since it was a radio interview and it wasn't being video recorded, Harry was allowed to sit next to Louis, which he was grateful for. They still had to limit their PDA, however, since the DJ interviewer was in the room. Harry knew that anything they did under the table couldn't be seen, so he placed his hand on Louis's thigh and rubbed it. Louis looked over at him and smiled a small smile, but Harry knew that it was only for his benefit and that Louis really wasn't feeling well.

Halfway through the interview, Louis placed his arms on the table in front of him and rested his head on them. The pain in his head was becoming unbearable and he was really tired. Harry's heart dropped at the sight, knowing that Louis must be feeling absolutely horrible for him to act this way in public.

Louis sniffled. His nose was stuffed up and it was hard for him to breathe from his nose. Every few minutes, he sneezed or coughed, and Harry noticed that his coughs had become really congested. Louis winced after he coughed, the nearly constant coughing was making his chest ache and his head pound.

Harry was unsure how much more of this he could take. He didn't like to see his love suffering like this. He wanted to take him home so he could take care of him properly and make sure he got the rest he needed.

After another half hour, Harry was about to storm out of the room and demand he take Louis home when the interviewer announced that they were done. Immediately, he scooped Louis up into his arms, holding him protectively to his chest and carried him out to their car without a word to anyone.

Once in the car, Louis curled up in his seat and rested his head against the window, falling asleep within minutes. Harry put the heat on when he saw Louis shiver, even though it was rather warm out that day.

When they got home, Harry carried Louis up to bed and covered him in a pile of blankets. He got him a glass of water and several different medicines to cover all of his symptoms. He woke him up so that he could take the pills, and he had to help Louis hold the glass, him being too tired and weak to do so himself.

"Thank you, Harry," Louis said quietly, settling back into the pillow once he'd taken the medicine.

"No problem, Lou," he said back, crawling into bed beside him and running his fingers through his hair.

"Haz?" Louis said looking up at Harry.

"Yeah, babe?"

"I want you to know that I wasn't lying this morning. I really felt fine until we had our first interview, and by then it was too late and—"

"Shh, baby. It's okay. I understand. I wasn't mad, anyway, just concerned. I just wish we'd had a chance to get you out of it all. I hated to see you sit through those interviews while feeling so poorly," he said, lifting Louis's delicate hand and kissing his knuckles, making Louis smile. "How are you feeling now, anyway?" he asked.

Louis shrugged. "A little better, I guess. The meds are starting to kick in," he said, yawning.

"Get some sleep, boo. You need it."

Louis nodded. "Okay. Stay with me?"

"Of course. There's no place else I'd rather be, anyway."

Louis laughed lightly. "Sappy. I love you."

"I love you, too," he responded, laying beside him and cuddling him to his chest. Wrapped in the warmth and comfort of each other, the two boys slept peacefully.


There you go!  I hope you liked it!  Remember to vote and comment!!  :)

Word Count: 2,506

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