Act IV: The End of Aimlessness

Start from the beginning

The Empire was divided into the East and the West. The ruler of the East became known as the Hydra, the ruler of the West became known as the Pegasus. The division was seamless, no bloodshed or harsh feelings to be told of. In a manner of speaking, it was still one empire, save with a rule to each half. The line of the Chimera had ended, and given way to the Pegasus and the Hydra.

So was the history of the line of Human kings.

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Seasons come and seasons go in the never ending cycle the ushers the new day, threatening the old. As spring changes to summer, the sun bears down on the field. The fall brings brisk cold breezes and an array of colors. As winter drags its dreary from across the world, dazzling white heaps and lingers for months. Till the new spring sun begins its climb upward to the pinnacle of its power once again.

The Fifth Chimera as he watched the Angel city of Arch Antosia free itself from the ground and rise up into the clouds, taking with it the ligt of the Divine and it's children, frightened by the impending destruction of their cities like Reliegh. He was said to have stood with a small contingent of soldiers, beholding the sight. There stood with him one more distraught than the others, shrouded completely in black.

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The Eastern Empire's Capitol became the city of Corporia, just ten miles from the Dredge River. It was here, the House and Line of Hydra ruled their half of the Empire. The city was a marble and sandstone master piece, so brilliant to behold in the sunlight, seated in oceans of sand and rock.

The Eastern Empire fancied itself the prevalent of perseverance and steadfastness, since the Empire was mostly covered in harsh terrain and desert, in this area, in contrast with the lush green of the west. Their architecture was simple and straightforward, very linear, complimented by sharp and bold angles. Corporia was the greatest of the cities in the east. Even before the line of Chimera ended, it had never once been breached.

The time had come that the Third Hydra was passing on his crown to his son, who was to become the Fourth. As custom, there was week long celebrations to memorialize the deceased ruler and to rejoice in the ascending of the newcomer. The city became so crowded, it seemed like the whole country had emptied and migrated.

The celebration had come to be known as the Dance of Heads. One head would pass away as another would take it's place, just like the mythical beast. The fourth Dance of Heads was set to be the greatest celebration yet. Entertainment would be ushered in from all over the Empire. All sorts of excitement would be had and all would see their fill of fun.

Fire flew up high into the air, flickering and whisping about till it was nothing again. Fire spitters danced and twirled long sticks as the faces of little children lit up at the marvelous sights. Jesters and fools cartwheeled through crowds, stopping only to make a silly face or juggle in someone's way. Stilt walkers daringly strode through the crowds, seemingly minding their own business, only to catch the eyes of those small children, so infatuated with the festival.

The streets were packed full of this festive air. Food vendors, shop owners, entertainers, and all the like mixed and mingled with the party goers in hopes to catch a bargain or not miss the opportunity to make a deal. Residents and visitors alike marvelled in the joys of the festival, moving with care and excitement, most common sense of caution thrown to the wind. Not a single face was absent a smile in the crowd.

Every street was lined with colorful flags and banners. Lovely flowers hung from every window, vines grew on grates scattered here and there. Some of the ribbon-like banners made canopies across streets. Often theses areas were packed full of patrons attempting to escape the bearing sun. But the weather itself was perfectly clear for the day.

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