"I can use the same microphones and cameras I hid in your cheongsam and put them on the one Mei Ling is using," I voice out my thoughts to Amaya. "We'll put a tracking device on you and we'll stay close by. I'll take care of the technical stuff, you just play bait."

    "That's not a bad idea," Soryu says, considering it. "Get her ready, we're doing it tonight."

    Following his orders, I take Mei Ling and Amaya with me to my suite as Soryu stays back with the others in the lounge. I do Amaya's hair and makeup exactly like Mei Ling's. It's not much since they already look alike, despite the hair color. It was smart to do it at night time, you can't really distinguish the color since it's dark.



    Later that night, Soryu and I stay in the car, a block away from where Amaya is walking around. If they're watching Mei Ling twenty four-seven, they should attack her no matter where she is.

    I look down my computer and iPad, making sure everything is into place. We see and hear anything Amaya is seeing and hearing, and she can only hear us and speak to us.

    I can tell she's nervous and scared by the way her breath shakes when she exhales. "You're doing great, Amaya, just keep walking until—"

    "You've gotta lot of nerve walking alone at night." I fall silent when I hear an unfamiliar mans voice.

    "You're comin' with us," Another voice says. My heart speeds up. It's time.

    "We heard them, just listen and follow them but try to look around so we can know where they're taking you." I say to Amaya through the transceiver. "We'll take care of the rest, trust me." I watch the red dot on my iPad move toward an abandoned warehouse. I glance at the computer screen and watch the live footage.

    They tied her hands behind her back and made her sit down on the floor once they arrived. Soryu begins to drive to where they have Amaya captive. The girls beings to look around like I told her, the camera capturing guards outside the building. Soryu stops the car a block away from the building as we wait for anything to happen. We hear a door open through the laptops speakers.

    "So, you're Mei Ling Lee." We hear a deep voice enter and say. Amaya looks up and the screen focuses. "I heard you were a beautiful woman, but you're still a little girl!" The man standing before her laughs.


    "Ever heard of the name Taizo Arimura, leader of the Arimura faction?" The man inquires. "Your father's Bell Crickets have helped us out quite a bit."

    Soryu tenses up and peers over the screen to get a closer look. "What do you want from me?" We hear Amaya say.

    "I want to use you to control Simon, of course." The man responds. "The Bell Crickets should have stayed quiet in HongKong instead of trying to gain footing in Japan!"

    I see Soryu clench his jaw out of the corner of my eyes. I guess this is a power struggle between the two mafia groups? Hmm... sounds similar to my mission. "What are you going to do to me?" Amaya's sweet voice echoes through the car.

    "That's a good question," Says the man. I tense up. It better not be what I think it is because I will rush there and kill him myself. "Everyone knows Simon's Achilles' heel is his only daughter. Should I boil you? Fry you?" He lists off. "Or should I get you ready for that first?" He smiles with mischief, grabbing Amayas' chin and tapping a dagger against her cheek.

Black Ice (Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now