Welcome To My Home

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You gotta start romanticizing your life. You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you've ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. You have to, because that's when you start truly living. That's when you look forward to every day. 

"Wow this place is amazing" Selina breathed when she and Michael pulled up to his house in California.

"Yeah, it really is isn't?" Mike asked really looking at his house for the first time in a long time.

"I don't get why you're moving to Arizona. You can't find anything like this there" Selina breathed as they walked in and she could see right through a wall of windows to a gorgeous view of the beach.

"I'm keeping this house for when I'm in California, but I want something new, and I want a new experience when it comes to a place that I live" Michael shyly admitted.

"Oh, I get you. Hey, can you show me my room?" Selina asked as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

"Yeah, follow me" Michael smiled as Selina looked at her phone to see it was Kalun and Ramoan.

She quickly replied to Kalun and ignored Ramoan's text because she really didn't want to talk to him. As she followed Michael through his house she was amazed at how beautiful the place was and walked right into his chest when she didn't realize he had stopped.

"Shit! I am so sorry!" Selina exclaimed as Michael caught her so she wouldn't fall.

"No, it's fine! You got distracted while admiring the house, and didn't notice I'd stopped" Michael smiled down at her.

"Yeah, were you saying something?" Selina asked with a blush as he opened the door to her room.

"No, I wasn't" Michael chuckled as he watched Selina set her bags down next to the closet.

"I would have felt so bad if you had, and I didn't respond" Selina blushed as she casually looked around.

"I wouldn't have cared because you're really cute" Michael grinned as he walked away.

"Wait! What?" Selina exclaimed running to the door.

"You heard me!" Michael called as he opened the door to his room which was next to hers.

"Hey, do you have any food in your kitchen? I want to make dinner!" Selina called as she got out of her church clothes to get into something more comfortable.

"Uh, I'm not sure-Shit! I am so sorry!" Michael exclaimed when he appeared in her doorway to find her standing in her bra and underwear looking for a change of clothes.

"No, it's fine! I left the door open" Selina blushed as she continued to look for clothes and appeared unfazed by the fact Michael was already seeing her in her bra and underwear.

"You're really confident with yourself, aren't you?" Michael commented leaning against her doorframe.

"Yeah, why shouldn't I be? I worked hard to get this body so that my tattoos look good and I feel confident in anything I wear" Selina shrugged as she pulled out a backless, black romper that she wore around the house and slept in along with a huge cardigan she stole from one of her guy friends.

"Tattoos?" Michael asked.

She turned to face him and showed him a tribal sun tattoo that was just under her bra on the left side of her body and then turned around to show him the outline of some very badass wings that went from her shoulders and disappeared under her underwear and ended on her ass.

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