The Real Kyle's

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Random musical number ahead. Be prepared to know all lyrics and choreography.

"Mamita?" Selina called into her grandparents' home in Sun Lakes about an hour after they had landed in Phoenix.

"Cocina, Mija!" Nicole called back in Spanish, telling Selina that she was feeling more comfortable in her native tongue.

"You're going to meet a different side of my grandmother. This is the side of her that I adore and strive to be like" Selina grinned brightly as they walked to the kitchen.

"Oh, Mi Rosa! How was your trip, Baby?" Nicole smiled, kissing her granddaughter, "How are you, Michael?"

"The trip was wonderful, and I met his parents. They will be here with us for the holidays" Selina smiled brightly.

"I'm doing great, Miss Nicole" Michael smiled, liking this spunky side of Selina's grandmother.

"You looked fantastic on the red carpet. Oh! Good! I got a bit manic, and Mary and I made way too many tamales," Nicole chuckled.

"Ay, Mamita! I can't leave you two alone ever, can I?" Selina chuckled as Pam came into the kitchen with Clark.

"Dude, we tried to get them to wait for you to come back, but they refused!" Clark exclaimed.

"Oh, I get it now! Get a few more Latinos in the house, and your Colombian comes back out!" Selina fake scolded, "You forget, we kids know we came from immigrants! I am third-generation Irish, Nigerian, Columbian, and Swedish American! Our culture will not die with my generation."

"So, are you telling me you want me to speak more Spanish again?" Nicole laughed.

"Yes, and no more American accent! I like when you and grandpa talk the way you naturally would" Selina smiled, knowing they couldn't say no to her.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Jimmy chuckled, entering the kitchen as well.

"Hi Grandpa," Selina smiled, giving her grandfather a kiss, "What are you making Mamita?"

"Buñuelos," Nicole smiled, knowing how much her granddaughter loved them.

"What's that?" Michael asked, never having heard of such a dish.

"Colombian donuts," Jimmy smiled, "They're SJ's favorite. Cuireadh a thabhairt dá theaghlach thall, mo chol."

"I was going to, Stupido," Nicole bickered, waving her hand at Jimmy.

"Hey! English! Only us three can speak the Irish language in the house right now!" Selina scolded her grandparents.

"What did you say?" Clark asked, not sure how to feel.

"He told her to invite my family over" Michael shyly smiled, having understood.

Everyone stared wide-eyed at Michael, surprised that he could speak a very uncommon language. As she processed this new information, Selina's smile slowly grew with joy.

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