Chapter Twenty Five - Epilogue

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~Twenty years later~

Zelda and Link, the King and Queen of Faron, waited atop their thrones for a very special visit.

A man stepped inside the chamber and announced, "Queen Leena of Hyrule, and-" he started, but then watched as a small human ran into the room from the cracked door and bounded up the throneroom steps. "Aunt Zel!" she cried happily and tackled her in a hug.

Zelda smiled as she looked down at her niece and ruffled her hair. "Your mom's gonna yell at you y'know."

"Psh, I know. But she's so slow... Why do we have to be so formal with family anyways??"

"She's not slow, she's pregnant, and it's good practice for real formal occasions when your olde-"

"Zelda!" Leena cried as she walked into the throne room, her hands held on her hips. "You get back here right now and walk down the hall properly."

Zelda smiled down at her little counterpart that ran down the steps to join her mother.

"Sorry, mother..." Princess Zelda said quietly.

"No, you're not," she said, and then rolled her eyes in a manner not fit for a queen. Then they reached the throne and Leena bowed her head to her sister and then held out her arms.

Zelda stood up and walked down the steps to meet her. "Hello, sister," she said as she embraced Leena, careful of her belly. Leelee was also a good few inches taller than she was now. "How are you?" she asked.

"She's doing fine," Zelda replied. Then backed away from her mother's glare at her interruption.


"Yes, mother?" A small brown haired girl stepped out from behind Link's throne.

"Why don't you take Zelda to join Ludren and Melody in the garden to play?" the Queen requested.

"Sure," she replied as she jumped down the steps and grabbed her cousin's hand. "Let's go play Pirate, Zeelee!" she said.

Zelda beamed and nodded, and they both ran out of the throne room.

Both their mothers sighed, and then laughed. "It's good to see you well," Zelda said to Leena.

Leena smiled. "Same to you," she said with a smile. "Tetra is as pretty as you were at seventeen."

"I was Tetra when I seventeen..." Zelda said with a shrug, and then almost laughed when she realized that when she was seventeen, Leena would have been only a few years old.

Leena laughed. "I still can't believe your rebellious phase."

"That's why I never told you, remember?" Zelda laughed. "Good thing our parents aren't around to shake their heads."

"Oh, they would have died on the spot if they had heard what you had done."

With a chuckle she shook her head again. Then she looked at her sister with a question on her face. "So... did you finish it?" She was referring to a painting that she had commissioned Leena to paint of Zelda, Link, and their three children all together.

Her sister had become quite the accomplished artist. Well recognized throughout both their lands.

Leena smiled as she nodded. "Alfonso's bringing it. Pirate children are always so reliable to transport things," she giggled.

Zelda smiled. She was happy that Leena had accepted her stories of when she had been Tetra, the most feared pirate of the seas. Leena especially loved hearing the stories from when Zelda had first met Link as a stowaway on her ship.

Both Zelda and Leena had hired her old pirate crew, and the pirate's children, to work for their respective kingdoms. You would never find a more well-defended place than Faron and Hyrule. Devoid of corruption, the Pirate Guard kept the seas safe from other pirates, and were actually with the law while doing it!

The kingdoms of Faron and Hyrule would always be at peace with each other, because of the blood bonds that they would share forever more.

Link walked down the steps of the throne and hugged Leena as well. "So, shall we go join our children to make sure they don't burn the gardens down?"

Leena laughed. "They would certainly be capable."

As they watched the four kids playing in the gardens, they all knew how lucky they were to be alive. Everything that had happened to them twenty years before, almost to the day, in fact, had cemented their bonds forever.

Even though Leena was barely nine at the time, she still remembered what they had done for her... and knew that without her family, both Zelda and Link, she wouldn't be alive to see her daughter play.

"May our days be long and full of joy," Leena said.

"May it be," Link replied with a smile as he held his Queen's hand.

Zelda looked down at their three children playing pirate in the garden below. She smiled as Tetra used a well-choreographed move she had just taught her yesterday to disarm her fourteen-year-old brother. "May it be."

A Pirate's Life For Me; Zelink, Pirate AU (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now