Chapter 66

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"No." I said for the hundredth time, Harry sighing beside me.

"Oh come on. A flame thrower would be so awesome!" Harry grinned at me, knowing that he was getting under my skin. I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"What part of no don't you understand?" I asked, trying not to smile.

Harry frowned and got up from our bed, his torso naked from any clothes. He walked over to me, his hands placing on my hips as he bent his head down. I looked into our closet, giggling as his pink lips nibbled at my ear. "No one says no to me though, baby." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes yet again at him, smiling as he dug his fingers into my skin softly. "Well, I just said no to you."

Harry growled and picked me up over his shoulder, swiftly spanking me with his palm. I yelped, making his chest rumble as he laughed. He sat me down, his arms wrapping around my body, pulling me closer into him. "I think we should do something as a family today. How does that sound?"

That sounded amazing. "Sure! What do you think we should do?" I asked as we walked to Leo's room. Harry turned to me and pulled me into his side, resting his forehead against mine. His eyes batted slowly, his breath fanning over my face. Ever since he had the health scare, I could tell that he was paying more attention to his blessings in life. He wasn't taking me for granted, treating me like his everything. His children were close to his heart and he had mentioned several times that he wanted a tattoo of their names- and our wedding date and initials. I thought it was bad luck, Harry just grinned and told me that bad luck was never his thing. "Harry?" I whispered.

He took a deep breath, "sorry, I got caught in the moment. I was thinking of going to the park first, and then maybe ice cream. My father wants to see us too, I called him this morning and ever since my mum died.. He hasn't been.."

"I understand." I whispered back. It was hard to see the negative impact Anne's death had on Robin and the family, especially on Harry. Sometimes he would lay in bed at night, silently crying. I knew that his heart ached in a way no one could understand unless they lost a parent. Robin is a strong man, but this is no match he should have to fight alone.

"Good." Harry gently smiled. I watched as it never really met his eyes, his eyes glossy as he looked away. I kissed his cheek, leaving my lips against his skin for a longer moment. Harry breathed in and out, grabbing my hand and giving it a small kiss. "Come on, let's get our children ready to go."


It took us longer than I planned to get ready, and I was stressed as I carried Adeline out to the car. She barely had turned one, and I could tell that she looked more like Harry everyday. Leo, on the other hand, looked like myself. It was cute and interesting to see which different traits each child had. I placed the children into their seats, giving them snacks to fill their attention. Harry packed the car of essentials, double checking if he needed anything else. I watched him move, his eyes wandering around as his arms swiftly picked up Adeline's doll bag. He sat in by everything else, reaching up to close the door. My eyes dropped to his skin that was peaking out of his shirt, his tattoos making it look inviting. Harry caught my eye, his eyebrows raising as a smirk plastered on his face. I breathed out as he walked closer to me, swiftly picking me up and pinning me against the garage wall. His hands gripped my thighs, pulling my legs around him to hoist me up. Harry looked at me, his bottom lip in between his teeth. I groaned softly, my body silently begging Harry to do something. Touch me, kiss me, anything. But I knew that it was too good to be true, and I had to admit it hurt my feelings as Harry pulled away from me. I stood there feeling puzzled and bothered, my chest heaving up as Harry sent me a smirk.

"Come on pretty, we need to go with the children." Harry spoke, his tone filled with tease. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, getting into the car. I slammed the door, buckling up hastily. Harry slipped in beside me, starting the car. "Everyone ready to go?" Harry sang, smiling.

I mumbled a simple yes and looked out the window, feeling Harry's hand place on my thigh. I pushed it off and squeezed my legs together, rolling my eyes. Of course.

"Princess." Harry mumbled under his breath, placing his hand back on my thigh.

"Harry, stop." I snapped, pushing his hand away from my skin. A gasp fell from my lips as Harry's hand gripped my thigh tightly, his rings digging into my flesh softly. I whimpered under my breath, the heat of his touch seeping into my skin, making my heartbeat quicken as his hand trailed up my thigh. I grabbed his hand, looking over at him. He was staring out at the road, his fingertips brushing up against my dress.

"I need you, baby." I heard him mumble.

Oh my dear god.

"But sadly it needs to wait." Harry sighed, and I could tell that he was angry for not being able to do anything. His hand never left my thigh, the drive to the park slow and boring.

This day seems like it wont be as great as Harry and I are planning on it being.... What could go wrong?

Sorry I've been away guys. Super sick, which sucks cause its spring break. AND I don't know how I can make this book last much longer. There are only a few more things planned and it's dragging on and on, lets get stuff happening! Thank you for staying with me, and please do not comment rude things. I don't like that :)

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