|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."

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Y/N sighed, chewing on the ice she now had back in her mouth. She gazed at the couple, looked at Lauren mostly, as she thought of what she would say to her in that minute. Then suddenly, the first words that came out of her mouth was,"That I'm leaving."

She remembers Ariana trying to convince her not to leave Lauren. Of course, the talented singer didn't know it was Lauren she was in love with, but she still tried to convince her to stay. But even after Ariana's somewhat awesome speech, she still decided on leaving.

It was May when the girls started talking about tour. And Lauren had invited Y/N to join her on the meeting they were going to have based on the 7/27 Tour. But Y/N decided against it, saying that she had to do some paperwork for college. Lauren came back from that meeting, explaining to Y/N about what happened during that meeting. Apparently they sent out a tweet saying that they would make up for canceling tour. The problem was, they didn't know what they were going to do to make up for the cancelation.

Y/N had grown accustomed to Camila being over, so when she saw Camila walk in right after Lauren explained to her what happened, she shrugged. Then she started listening to both girls talk about things they could possibly do. Most of the suggestions were to release songs they've performed live but Y/N knew that wouldn't entirely make up for it.

Then it suddenly occurred to Y/N,"Why don't you guys just tell the truth?" The couple looked at her confusedly, and Y/N shrugged with a nod."Tell the harmonizers that Camren is finally real."

The couple rolled their eyes, but then looked at Y/N like it could be a possible thing to do. But then they started talking about how management wouldn't agree with it. So Y/N said,"Screw management. This is about you guys. You shouldn't let someone, or someones, stop you from being together. You guys love each other, don't you?" They nodded with their lips pursed, listening to what the girl was saying."Okay then, wouldn't it be better to show everyone that you guys love each other?"

"But um, mostly everyone knows." Camila commented.

"Just because your squad knows, doesn't necessarily mean everyone knows." Camila glared at Y/N when she said that, making the girl raise her hands up in defense after."Sorry, but it's true." Lauren chuckled quietly, then got a glare from her girlfriend which made her smile drop. Y/N smiled at Lauren, then shook her head and said,"It won't hurt to try, right?"

So they tried, and management said yes. Which is where the girls are now. Well, where they were. They went to New York last week to start the coming out of Camren. Camren interacted a lot this whole week, which made the fandom talk. Even those who weren't Camren shippers were talking about them.

And when they had an interview and told everyone about their relationship, about Camren being real; the whole fandom went nuts.

Now, Y/N waits until Lauren gets back to do what she has been wanting to do


It all comes down to this, doesn't it? It was inevitable anyway, and everyone knew. Everyone...but Y/N. She didn't feel herself falling, if anything she just felt herself get more and more and more happier every time she spent with Lauren. A year with Lauren, the best year of her entire life. She wouldn't want to have spend that year any other way.

Because in that year, it only took six months for her to fall in love with Lauren.

Sure her heart is slowly breaking as she sees the hands on the clock slowly move. And sure her heart is shattering with each tweet that has the hashtag Camren is finally out. And yeah, of course she's a little angry at herself for telling Lauren and Camila to finally grow some balls and stand up to their management. She didn't actually think they would. In all honesty, she was giving that little pep talk to herself, even though she was telling it Lauren and Camila.

Wanted➣ Lauren/You FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora