Chapter 4 - Liam

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I saw it in her eyes. I knew what she was thinking. Those things don't happen to people like her. She thought I was unreachable. I am just another guy that would like to meet new people, but every time I want to go out if fails because I'm on the cover of stupid magazines. Well.. Am I? The boy I see on those things looks like another me. He looks confident, fearless and photoshopped. It isn't me. Not the me that likes 2 milks in his coffee and enjoys watching football. No. And I saw that switch in Veronica's eyes. She now labels me as a part of a bubble gum boyband. I knew she would, I'm not blaming her. I can't have a proper relationship since I broke up with Danielle. NOT THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND. I THOUGHT THE GIRL WAS FRIENDLY. But now she sees me as if I am God.

I know it's weird. "Hello. I'm Liam! Let's go shopping!". I knew that Mark needed to fix some details for tonight. I didn't want to annoy him or be on his way, so I offered myself to drive them here. Did I think they would accept? No. Am I happy to be there? I don't know. I mean that's just mad. I now have to take pictures with a lot of fans - I LOVE MEETING THEM BUT NOW I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SHOP AND GO BACK TO MARK'S HOUSE. - and it might take a while. God, I'm so tired.


I try to smile and take pictures with the ones that are the closer to me. It's quite hard and more and more people start to mass around me. I try to make my way out of the circle but I fail, and I can see the little girl - ok maybe she's 16 years old but she looks so scared - from the coffee stand call security while looking at me. The guards arrived in less than two minutes. I'm not really surprised though. I mean, I'm not used to this, but I now acknowledge that I am sort of famous and that I need a security guard sometimes. I'm thinking way too much.

The man manages to get me away from everyone. They are three men, but the biggest one took me by the shoulder and now I'm out of there so I thank him. Veronica and even Jasmine both look at me with fear in their eyes. I try to smile but it looks like a just made it worse.
"No need to be scared. It's all good. I'm going to try to relax in the lounge. No-one is there and I'll ask the guard if he can stay with me. It's all good. I beg you. Don't look at me like I'm Liam from One Direction. Just... I'm the boy in Mark's basement. Please."
I talk way too much.
Veronica smiled too, I think she was just trying to be nice with me. "Em. All good. I'll be there..." She pointed behind her at the clothing stores. "I guess I should give you my number? You know, if we get lost. Em. Yeah."
I try to grin.
"Yeah that'd be great! Just wait I'll get that phone. Don't be shy. If you need me," I hand her my phone, "Then ring me! I'm always there!"
She smiles but for real now. I don't know if she's laughing at me, but she smiles. She takes the phone, quickly enters her number and gives it back.
"Here. Back at..." She looks at her watch then gives me my phone back. "4:00 PM?"
"4:00 PM."
"Ok now that'd be great if we could go and if you both could stop grinning like awkward idiots. Really." Jasmine just pops in the conversation. That girl is direct. Not rude, yet really direct.
I spy Ronnie rolling her eyes and looking at me, telling me in her gaze that 4:00 is our appointment at this exact place.


I think I fell asleep on the couch. I look at my watch.

4:26 PM.

Well, shit. Shit. Why is life so bad these days? Damn. The girls are probably looking for me. I get up on my feet and start rushing to the middle of the mall. I'd be happy to say I'm running but I just woke up.
My vision is still a bit blurry but I can clearly see the coffee shop. I'm not just where I needed to be.

No-one. I look around.

I take my phone and as I search through my contacts to find Veronica, a hand gently touches my shoulder.
"Here." I turn around to face her. "Sorry we're late we were in that shop and Jasmine wanted to try this on."
"Blame me. I'm alright." says Jasmine.
"It's all okay, I just woke up too," I said.
"Woke up? Where? What?" asks Ronnie, confused.
"Well in the lounge. I'm so tired." They both laughed. "Do you want to stay stuck here? I'm the one with the keys of this car."
"Well there's always taxis, boy." She smiles. I turn around and start walking to the exit, with both girls following me.

That just sounded wrong.

I never understood why Veronica called me "the boy", by the way. I don't get it. My name's Liam, it isn't like it's complicated. But at the same time, Liam sounds like Liam from One Direction, while the boy is just...

The boy.


That music is blasting so hard my hears are shaking. I spot Mark talking with his friends, feet in the sand, about ten meters away from me. He is the only one I know at this party. The moon shines on the beach but it is hard to see who's who. A girl bumps me. She yells "Srory..!" and turns away to be sick on the guy besides me's shoes. Enough. I am in this crap since 2 hours now. I give my red cup - which I filled with water - to the girl on the floor hoping that she drinks it and that she feels better. I run to the house and stop to the kitchen to get myself a glass of orange juice before going downstairs to my sort of loft.

"Someone in there?" I ask as I hear the TV coming from my room.
"Veronica. Don't worry." I open the door and see her, sitting on my bed, watching MTV.
"What are you doing here? I thought it was your party," I say as I sit besides her.
"Well... Jasmine's there nearly having sex with a guy she never talked to, getting wasted and stuff, but I'm really really tired, and partying isn't in my interests."
I smile. I don't know, I find her genuinely funny.
"I've only been drinking water for the last few hours. That girl puked and it was that close to be on me. I can't do this anymore." She laughs. "What are you watching?"
"I don't really know. I'm sort of lost in my thoughts right now."
"You don't need to think. You're in LA. No-one thinks here, everyone just does." I say.
"Well I'm not from here. I'm from Wisconsin. And as sad as it might look like, people usually use their brain cells there."
She keeps staring at the television. Her hair is a mess but she doesn't seem to care.
"I'm not from here either."
"Where you from? Ah! You're British, aren't you? I saw thi-"
"You saw this in the mags. Yeah. I know. Perks of being on the cover of them."
"Doesn't it feel weird?"
"I feel like there's two sides of me... The Liam on the cover of every magazine is not me. He's an impostor, a guy that has my face and tries to make in in Hollywood. Meanwhile I watch MTV in my friend's basement with a girl - who's quite nice - which I met a few hours ago while a party is going on outside. That's me."
"Boy, I like how you think. You should move to Wisconsin, one day."
"I sure should." I grin.
"Listen, it isn't that you're boring or anything, but do you mind if I go? I need to wash my hair and sleep and I'm just really tired. Perks of being a normal teenager." She said.
I smiled. Even though I know she labels me, I have to live with it.
"I'll drive you home."
"You already did enough."
"Okay then. See you later, I guess."
"I guess."
She walked to the door. "Good night, Veronica." I waved at her.
"Goodnight, boy." She smiled.

And a few minutes later I fell asleep, listening to MTV.


How do you like it? Vote and comment. I work a lot on this one. ;) By the way Liam's chapters are written in a different way than Veronica's.

Alex Xxx

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