Ch. 1//Bad day

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----CASEY POV----
I turned my alarm off and went to take a shower. I put some music on and got in the shower. I shaved, washed my hair and body, and washed my face then got out. I kept the music playing and walked into my room. I grabbed my black high waisted shorts and found my sweatshirt that says 'lol ur not MAGCON' then I grabbed my hover kicks. I turned off my music, grabbed my phone and backpack, then walked downstairs.
When I got downstairs I saw my mom making her coffee. My sister, Kait, making her lunch. I walked in and grabbed a banana then yelled "I'm leaving. Love you. Bye." And with that I walked out the door and grabbed my penny board. I penny boarded to the bus stop and saw my best friends Jack, Colton, and Ashly. I walked up behind Colton and jumped on his back. He grabbed my legs and I wrapped them around his waist. He continued telling his story to them. When I saw the bus coming I yelled "OMG THE BIG YELLOW BANANA IS COMING!!!" I don't know why I'm so hyper but I am. When it stopped we walked in the bus well... Colton walked me in the bus.
We walked to the back and Colton dropped me in the back seat then sat in the one across from me. I started talking to Ashly about how I want to meet Magcon.
"I want to meet Hunter, Jacob, Cameron, Aaron, Daniel, Taylor, and most of all Brandon." I practically yelled at her.
"I know right? I really want to meet Jacob and Hunter." She said back
"I just want to meet Brandon the most." I said
"Ok ok we get that you're in 'love' with Brandon Rowland. But we all know that you love me the most." Colton butted into our conversation.
I rolled my eyes and said "You wish" then the bus came to a stop. I looked to see who was getting on. When I looked out the window I saw the biggest player in our school. His name is Jason and he's probably had sex with every girl in the school but me. Ashly did have sex with him one time when she was at a party. I was at home grounded. I had a different boyfriend. The only reason we broke up was because I had to leave.
When Jason got on with his little 'posse' and walked towards the back of the bus. He looked at Colton and Jack. He looked them straight in the eye and said with no emotion "Get out of my seat." I looked at Colton and he was looking straight back at Jason. Colton looked at him and said "I don't see your name on this seat."
Jason looked mad. Then he looked over at me smirked and winked at me then said to Colton "Here how about this so I can sit back here too" he looked over at me then continued "you get up and Ashly can sit right here" I didn't move. That was until he said "Get. Up. Now." I immediately stood up and let Ashly go first. She scooted all the into the seat in front of the one were just in. I was about to sit down when Jason grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear "you got a hella fine a$$" he smirked and sat down. I rolled my eyes and sat down.
I looked at Colton and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I went to my contacts about to text Colton when Jason took my phone and said "Oh let me put your number in my phone and I'll put mine in yours. Ok?" I just looked over at Colton and rolled my eyes. Jason was typing and I just sat there. I decided to talk to Ashly about the magcon boys again.
"Hey Ash?"
"Do you think we'll ever meet them? Because it would make my life so much happier." I mumbled the last part
She whispered loud enough so people could here just very softly "yea. One day Case. One day."
Jason finally gave me my phone back and said "I'll text ya later babe." Then he winked and walked off the bus. I got up and hugged Colton. He grabbed my hand and we started walking to our lockers while talking. Even though we aren't dating we still held hands and acted like a couple. Colton was my best guy friend. We have dated but were better off being just friends.
When I got to my locker I realized that my other best friend Sydni wasn't here or waiting outside this morning. I texted her and said 'Heyyy where are you at?!?! I'm bored without you here.!!' Then I sent it and slid my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed my books for math class and walked to my first period.
|SKIP TO LUNCH|(Bc I'm lazy)
At lunch I grabbed an apple and salad. I grabbed a bottle of water and some cookies. I went and sat down next to Colton and said to Ashly "so maybe you wanna go penny boarding after school and we can go to Starbucks?" She looked at me immediately when I said Starbucks. She nodded her head up and down saying/yelling "YES! YES!YASSS!" I just laughed
I got bored sitting there so I turned to Colton and said "wanna skip?" He looked at me and nodded his head 'no' I frowned and said "what's wrong bæ?!" He smiled slightly and said "nothing." I knew not to push him so I dropped it. But I was mad. I don't know why but I got up and threw my trash away and walked out of the cafeteria. I went to my locker and grabbed my backpack I shoved my stuff in it and walked out of the building. I grabbed my penny board from behind a bush and rode it home.
When I got on my street I saw moving trucks at Sydni's house. I grabbed my phone and saw she texted me back and said 'I'm moving to Florida. My dad got a job. Sry. I don't want to leave but I kinda have to.' I frowned and said quietly "could this day get any worse?!" I ran up to my door and ran to my room. I didn't want to cry so I laughed. I turned on like that by jack and Jack and skipped it to the rapping part. I started rapping it.

Walked up in the spot, we do this a lot
Living at the top, attention you caught mine
Let's pop a bottle, good God
Look at what we got
Double take like a stop sign
I thought I would be done with all of this stuff
But shit, I guess not (I thought I'd be done)
I'm tryin' to get at you
Trust me I'm not your average individual
Yeah, I can slow it down
But I ain't talking about verses
I know what you're worth
And my head I've already bought you a purse and much more
And I got everything you need just like the drugstore
Oh, and before you ask
Keeping haters off of my nuts, yeah that's what the cup's for
A bunch more
Chances are comin' your way, but I know that you'll take me
(It's crazy)
How people get lust and love mixed up
I'm beginning to daydream
Of what we could be and the things we could do if you give me your time
But tonight, all that's on my mind
Is gettin' to know you and making you mine
You're a dime, girl
A straight ten
Like holy moly, me oh my
I don't even know where to begin
And let's pretend that in this moment in time we're more than friends,
And I recommend that you and I get familiar
After I was done I got 2 notifs saying I got a text from syd that said 'are you mad at me?' I just said no and looked at the other notif. It said Hunter Rowland is live. I didn't feel like watching it so I walked downstairs to cook me some ramen noodles. I cooked them, ate them, and brushed my hair and teeth. Then I walked upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed and texted my mom goodnight. She doesn't get home until midnight because that's how late she works.
After I texted her I plugged my phone in and fell asleep.

A.N |Sry it's not really a fan fic rn but it will be soon. I just wanted you to know about the people in her life and how they act and how close they are to her. Thxs for reading.😄 bye|

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