Travis felt a shiver rise up his spine but nodded anyway. He could see Doctor Joshua opening the door and turning away from him to walk down the corridor, but as he followed the man he couldn't seem to get rid of the alarm bells going off in his head, nor the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach telling him he was in danger. Why did he have to be cautious? When he voiced out this thought, the doctor replied: 'because from what could see, it appears to have a mind of its own and seems to be very protective if its master.'

Travis didn't understand what he meant but he couldn't ask because the doctor had already reached the end of the corridor and opened the door on the far left - Lady Delena's room. He took a calming breath and followed after.

When he got to the door, Travis had to do a double-take when he saw her. What...? With wide eyes he stared at the woman sleeping on the hospital bed; head turned towards him and lips slightly parted, hand by her face with her fingers slightly curled, but dear goddess! What is that?

He just stood there, stupefied to the core, as the doctor walked over to her and gently shook her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up; but all she did was swat his hand away and turned over so that her whole body was facing him. She then let out a groan almost immediately after and turned back over on her back. A few seconds passed and she opened her eyes with an irritated huff.
'So uncomfortable,' she grumbled. 'How are people supposed to recover when they can't get any decent sleep?'

Joshua let out an amused chuckle and went over to partially close the blinds on the windows, casting the room in light shadows.
'How are you feeling?' he asked.
'Like I got run over by a bulldozer before some rabid dog decided to use my head as a chew toy,' she replied, grabbing hold of her head as she spoke. 'Thanks for dimming the light Doc. Now could you tell Travy to come in and stop staring at me like I'm some unknown creature? He looks stupid.'

Travis shook himself out of his shock and walked into the room while the doctor was looking at him with an amused smirk. He stood by the now closed door and leaned back against the wall, watching as the green eyed man interacted with his patient. He had to admit he was a bit confused. Before they entered the room, the doctor made it seem like the woman was dangerous; but if that was true, then why was he so carefree around her? It just didn't make sense.

Travis studied the woman who was now chatting with the doctor and couldn't help but wonder how such a small thing could hold so much power. The amount she released that night was enough to make even those outside of the Citadel know something was off. But strangely enough, something told him that wasn't the full extent of her power. It was almost as if--
'Is something wrong?'

He jumped in surprise when he realised a pair of blue-green eyes were starring directly at him. He quickly straightened and then lowered his head in a respectful bow.
'Forgive me My Lady, I did not mean to offend.'
'I didn't say you did,' Delena answered, her eyes piercing into him, 'I asked if something was wrong for you to be staring at me like that.'

Travis kept his head low, not sure how to answer, instinct telling him to tread cautiously.
'Well?' Delena pushed. Travis stiffened as he felt the slight rise of power.
'Nothing is wrong My Lady. The doctor said that the release of your magic had a strange effect on you and I was merely curious about your condition.'
'I bet he did,' Delena muttered. 'I swear, he is incredibly big-mouthed for a doctor. Anyway, I thank you for your concern, but as you can see there is no need for you to worry. Contrary to what the doctor may have told you, I'm quite fine.'

He released a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He lifted his head to see the dual coloured eyes - eyes which appeared to glow - were still on him...watching...observing...and it unnerved him. His hands were trembling slightly and shivers of ice were travelling down his spine as she watched him, his heart pounding against his ribcage and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He tried to swallow but found a lump had grown in his throat. His found it difficult to breathe as his airways constricted and his mouth went dry. He was paralysed, his mind refusing to function as the only thought he could manage was to get out of there. Fast.

Bound By BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon