If I Come Back - Pikolfy

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A/N So this is a one shot without a happy ending, Wolfy is 10, and Pika is 11
=To The One Shot=
I stared down at the ground, the last bits of hope draining from my body in the form of tears, as I walked down the block to tell my best friends the news.

I remembered my room, the brightly colored drawings taped to the walls, my desk which at one point had pictures of me and my friends scattered upon it, my bed which had my colorful, fluffy stuffed toys all over it on top of my purple and black bedsheets, but now, my room which I grew up in, is now bared.

I walk up onto the porch of the familiar, but now saddening little house that my best friends lived in. I knock on the door, letting out a sob as the familiar sound of my small fist against the white painted oak door brought back memories of when I'd first met Pika and Shay.

I stared at the door as my mother rang the doorbell. "It'll be fine, Wolfy, the Chu's (Get it? Pika Chu?) are very nice people." She said. My mother had to go somewhere and my dad had work, so the Chu's are going to watch me. A little girl with dark brown hair, glasses, and Pikachu ears and tail opened the door. "Hi, I'm Pika, are you Skyla?" She asked. "Yea, but I like to be called Wolfy." I said. A woman that looked just like Pika walked over. "Hi, you must be Stormy." She said. "Yes, and this is Skyla." My mom said. "Hey, wanna come to my room? I've got candy in my room." Pika asked. "Yes!" I shouted, following her to her room.

The door creaked open and Pika poked her head out. "Oh, hey." She said, opening the door to let me in. "Hey..." I said, stepping inside and sitting on the couch, Pika sitting next to me. "Pika, I have to tell you she Shay something, get her down here." I said. "SHAY!!!!!!!!! DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!" Pika screamed, and I covered my ears. Just then Shay ran downstairs. "Where?!" She yelled. "There's no donuts, sit down, Wolfy has to tell us something." Pika said. "Yea." I said. "What is it?" Shay asked. "I-I'm moving." I said, and I saw the look in Pika's eyes, the one that showed her entire world crumbling. "What?" She asked. "I'm sorry, but with little Roxas coming, we don't have enough room in this house for him." I said. I heard a car horn outside, and I saw my mom in the car, waiting for me, my stuff already in the car. "I gotta go, bye." I said, standing up, and walking to the door. "Wolfy, wait!" Pika should. "Wha-" I was cut off by Pika kissing me. My sadness was then replaced with shock, then happiness, as I slowly began to kiss back. Pika pulled away, tears in her eyes. "Goodbye." She said. "I'll see you, if I come back."
I was inspired to write this by something I wrote in reading class today at school, also I'm writing this in the car, so sorry if it's complete crap. K, Cya all later, and goodbye! *Goodbye howl*

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