I'm surprised at his sudden outburst. I haven't seen him angry like this. "I didn't mean that," I regret what I said. "Dad, I'm sorry. Everything is just shocking to me." I try to calm down. 

"I know." He sits back down on his chair and takes my hand. "I'm sorry that we have to drag you into this. We shouldn't but it's the only way."

"But, dad. We can still think of ways. That's why you've let me study in an expensive school to help you out, right? Let me help you." I feel pity now looking at my father like this. He looks helpless and torn. If only it were a different guy then maybe...just maybe... I would agree. But this is Chenglei....the most horrible person I know. 

My mom stands behind my father and rubs his back, consoling the man. "Ah-Cy," she looks sorry, "We're meeting with them tonight. We organized a party for your graduation and homecoming." 

AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I feel like screaming. But looking at the two, I don't have the heart to do it. I close my eyes and pray that nothing major will erupt tonight. 

Before the stylist could put on my dress, my phone rings. 

"One minute," I tell the girl and rummage in my purse for my phone. It's Victor. Shit! I totally forgot about him. I pressed the green button and the guy's excited voice shrieks on my ear. 

"OMG!!! You can't believe what just happened." He is saying, "I just came to my father's company this morning and guess what welcomed me?" 

"What?" I know I sound uninterested, but with all the things happening suddenly, I couldn't find it in me to be as excited as he is.

"Hey..." he notices my cold tone. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" 

"NO. I'm in deep shit, besie." Tears are threatening to come out but the glare the make up artist gives me forces me to push the tears back inside. I tilt my head up and blink several times.

"Why? What happened?" Victor's excitement turns to concern. 

"Miss!" The stylist calls my attention, putting up the dress she's holding. 

I put up one finger, telling her to give me another minute. "I'll tell you later. I'm gonna be late."

"Oh...ok besie...Update me soon. Bye."


I take a deep breath before stepping outside the limo and into one of my dad's biggest hotels for the party. I'm gonna be fine....I wish. 

The party is held at the grand hall on the ground floor. As I enter the double doors held open for me by two men, classical music and buzzing of people welcome my ears. 

I love parties...I really do. But, not this kind of party where boring music is played and everybody is dressed like they're gonna meet the Queen of England. It's just so formal...and did I say BORING? Well, at least there's wine. I grabbed a glass from the waiter that passes by and take a sip before scanning the crowd. 

The room is already filled with tycoons and their families. I see my cousins huddled at one corner, seeming bored, too, themselves. I am about to head to their direction when my parents see me and they smile. 

"If it isn't the star of the night," my dad says, kissing me on the forehead. "Come on, let me introduce you to everybody." 

He takes me to the first table from the door where a bunch of oldies...I kinda forgot their names...are seated. "Do you remember him," my dad is saying, pointing at the man seated across from us. "He owns the shopping mall you used to go to when you were young," as if I care. I just give him a polite smile. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now