Dad jokes

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Wincest: "Dad! I'm hungry!" Both Sam and Dean turned to you and said, "Hi hungry, I'm Dad."

Destiel: Cas went up to you with a big smile on his face. "Why was six afraid of seven?"

He didn't give you a chance to speak before he busted out "Cause seven ate nine!" He laughed while you just sat there with a bitch face.

Sabriel: "Hey sugar! What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?"

"Dad no!"

"Gabe, don't!"


Michifer: Lucifer walked into the living room where you and your other dad, Michael was sitting.

"Hey, Lil devil. What do you call a man who cries like a little baby?" he smirked before continuing "Michael!"

(Okay, that wasn't a dad joke but, i can just see Lucifer saying that)

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