[Chapter 6] Just Like You

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"I know who you are, Ryan." He said to me, standing up. "You've been living a lie your entire life."

I stood up, I hated the feeling of being inferior. When in reality, I'm far from inferior. "What do you mean?"

"I know that Rory and Amy aren't your parents. Those two who came in with you, besides that Ian kid, are your real parents. River Song and the Doctor, correct?" He began to circle around me.

"You don't know anything about me." I quickly defended.

"Oh, Ryan, I know far more than you do."

"Who are you?" I asked, putting my arm out to stop him. "And what do you want?"

"Just like you, I'm a time lord." Before I could say anything, he grabbed onto my wrist and pressed some buttons on his own Vortex Manipulator. We popped into the middle of a war zone. I looked around and saw the weapons being used - they looked like they were from World War II.

"Where are we?" I asked, to make sure I was right in my thinking.

He dragged me with him as he jumped in a ditch. He jumped in first and helped me down. "We're meant to be. You and I. We were meant to find each other."

"Why would you take me here?" I slapped his arm.

"I haven't gotten the hang of this..." An explosion shook the ground and flew dirt particles in the air, "...thing."

"Do you even know what it's called?" I questioned him. He shook his head.

I glared at him, "What do you mean we're meant to be?"

He grabbed my hand again and dragged me into a bunker. There were only a few people who looked at us as if we were crazy. The rest seemed to be robots. I ignored their gazes and tried to focus on what Anthony was telling me. "You and I, Ryan 'Pond' and Anthony Padilla, are supposed to meet up. I haven't confronted you before because I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of what we'd have to do when we met." He answered.

"What are you two doing down here? You should be out in the battlefield, young man!" A robotic voice sounded from behind us. We turned around to see a Dalek approaching us.  "Change out of whatever you're wearing, grab a weapon, and get out there!" He picked up some clothes and brought them to Anthony. The were brown and tan. The Dalek turned toward me. "You need clothes too!"

It brought me a uniform and I snatched it away from him.

I pulled off my shirt and pants as if it was nothing in front of all of the people and slipped on the brown dress thing. Anthony held the clothes in his hands as I grabbed a Boys Anti-Tank Rifle off of the wall. I turned around and saw he hadn't changed.

"What are you doing? Get dressed!" I demanded him to do.

"I can't in front of these people." He complained.

I rolled my eyes, "If I can do it, you can do it too. And they're not people, they're robots." I loaded the gun as he slowly stripped his clothes off and put on the suit. I threw a different loaded rifle at him. "We can talk while we're fighting."

I ran out with him following me.

"Why can't we just try to get out of here?" He yelled.

"I don't know where you're going to take us!" I aimed the rifle at someone near the ditch and shot him down. He tumbled into the ditch behind us. Anthony and I kept running. "So, how did you know I'm a time lord?" I inquired.

"I could sense it!"

We got out of the ditch and stood next to each other. I looked around, trying to find some place to hide. Instead of that, I found something much worst. "Anthony?"


I pointed at a bomb that was falling from the sky.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?!" He began to freak out. The next I know, he's on the ground with his knees tucked in.

I saw someone approaching him aiming their gun. I jumped in front of him and got shot, falling back into him. I clenched my teeth in pain as I grabbed his wrist and punched the buttons in. Luckily, before the bomb hit, we were laying on my back porch. I lay back on the bricks in relief.

Anthony stood up and saw the wound I got.

"Ryan!" He exclaimed, bending down. He removed my hand to see the damage. "I'm so sorry." He held onto my hand and I squeezed it tight.

"Don't forget...I'm...I'm..." And the yellow light began to emerge from my wound, healing itself up. I looked up into his eyes, "The Doctor's daughter. I'm fine." I sat up and smiled at him.

"Oh thank god," He gave me an awkward hug and helped me up. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to get hurt...I feel so bad!"

"It's fine, Anthony." I reassured him. "But...just, stay away for a while. So people don't get suspicious. You know? Like Shane and Kalel."

"Uh, sure. But when are we going to talk about this again?" He asked.

I crossed my arms. "How about you and me meet up out here every night? We can...you know, try to figure out what we're supposed to do together. Okay?"

He sighed, "Sure. That seems doable." I nodded my head in agreement. "Well, I'll see you in school!" And he walked away.

"Hey, Ryan." I turned around to see Amy. "Who was that?"

"Just a friend." I replied, picking up my pen and book. "Just a friend." I walked past her and up to me and Joey's room. He was in his bed texting his friends. I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed.

"What are you wearing?" He commented.

I looked down and saw I was still in World War II uniform. I cleared my throat, "Uh...I found it and wanted to try it on?"

He laughed and snapped a picture of me. "This is so going on Facebook." And he began to click away on his keyboard. I sighed, so much for him being relatively nice to me.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for the weirdness of this chapter...it's not total Doctor Who like...but I promise, it's going to get better from now on! Or so I hope =P Thanks for reading! -rac06h10ael

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