[Chapter 13] Time Slowed Down

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-The Doctor's POV-

I was sitting outside with Amy and Rory at their little table, casually sipping tea. Rory was reading the local newspaper while Amy was reading some novel. Their son, Joey, I believe, was also sitting with us. He and I were having a staring contest. I was winning until my wife burst through the fence gate, announcing, "Ryan's gone to Galifrey!"

"What?" I shouted, rising to my feet and breaking my eye contact with the boy.

River clutched onto my shoulders as she caught her breath. She looked up at me and repeated in a much calmer tone, "Ryan...she...she's gone to Galifrey."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Did you say Ryan went to Galifrey?" Amy questioned, setting her book and reading glasses down and standing up.

"Yes," River answered her, "Madame Vastra, Jenna, and Strax sent her and...and that Anthony boy to Galifrey. To save all the people who have been frozen in space and time."

"But...but..." I sputtered, not know what to say. Was I supposed to stop her? Save her? Help her? What was I supposed to do!?!

"Why does this concern us, River?" Rory questioned, rising to his feet.

"That Anthony boy..."

"He's my friend!" Their son exclaimed, cutting River off and jumping to his feet, "What about him?"

"He's not your friend, Joseph. He's...he's the Master's son," River explained. I gasped in horror. Amy and Rory looked at me, condused. "Yes, I know, sweetie. That's why we need to stop her before something terrible happens."

"Look, I know Anthony and he wouldn't do anything to harm Ryan," Joey tried to convince us all.

"It's not just harming Ryan I'm worried about," River retorted, "I'm afraid he's going to kill thousands upon thousands of innocent lives. And they won't even have a fighting chance."

-Anthony's POV-

"Stay inside everyone," Ryan said as she opened the TARDIS's door and stepped out, quickly shutting the door behind her.

I had to stop her from doing this. It wasn't just a coincidence that I bumped into her in the hall that day at school. It wasn't just a coincidence that I befriended her "brother," Joey. I was sent to stop Ryan from doing this by my father. And it was only a matter of time before I initiated my plan.

"Wait! Ryan!" I cried as I ran out after her, closing the door behind me as well. I found Ryan standing in front of a Dalek, a frozen Dalek. Its eyestalk wasn't even an inch away from her finger that was extended out, as if she was going to touch it. "Ryan!" I yelled. She jumped and turned around.

"Anthony, you scared me!"

"What are you doing out here?" I walked up to her.

"I was just..." She looked back at the Dalek, "...it should be frozen in time. But it moved. Its dome turned. I saw it. It's alive."

"What are you talking about?"

She looked back at me, "Galifrey wasn't frozen, Anthony. Time just...slowed down..." She glanced back at the Dalek again, "Insanely." That's when I heard a sound of the Dalek's gunstick getting ready to fire.

"RYAN! WATCH OUT!" I cried as I pushed her out of the way. The two of us fell to the ground as a bright white beam shot out of the gunstick and burned a hole in a building nearby.

While still lying on the ground beside her, I touched her forehead, as if I was pushing a piece of hair out of her face. But with a little device I had created in my spare time, I sent a delta wave through her skin and into her brain. Ryan head fell back as she fell into a deep sleep. No one else knew that though so I played it off as she got attacked by something out here.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, picking Ryan up in my arms and bringing her back into the TARDIS where everyone was waiting anxiously for feedback, "Something happened to Ryan!"

"What? What happened?" Mari inquired.

"I...I don't know," I replied falsely, "She and I were wandering around when...when all of a sudden...something or someone attacked her. I didn't see it happen though. I just turned around and saw her lying on the ground. I...I don't know if she's dead or just asleep or what." I looked down at Ryan.

Ian walked up to us and pushed a piece of hair away from Ryan's face. He moved his hand to her neck and sighed in relief, "She must be asleep - she still has a pulse." I gave him a weird look as he retracted his hand to his side. "What are we going to do?" He asked, glancing up at me, "Ryan was the only one who knew what to do."

"Actually," I set Ryan down on a nearby chair and turned back around, "I know what we need to do."

"What do we need to do?" Marzia questioned.

"We need to leave," I answered.

"Leave? Are you sure?" Ian asked me, "Ryan said we needed to save this planet. How is leaving going to save this planet?"

"Trust me, guys, we just need to leave."

"I'm sorry, Anthony, but I've got to agree with Ian," Kalel sided with that bowl-headed loser. I looked at her as if she was insane. "Even though I have no idea what's going on or why Ryan wanted me and my friends to help her, she didn't bring us here to leave. She brought up here to save the innocent people."

"Since when have you cared about Ryan and what she says?" I snapped at her.

"Since she has a telephone box that's bigger on the inside that teleported us to this planet I didn't even know existed!" Kalel shouted back at me.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" I yelled at her.

"We're staying here, Anthony," My girlfriend told me sternly, "And we're going to save this planet. Whether you like it or not."

"Not if I have anything to do with it," I pushed her aside, also sending a delta wave into her body, causing her to collapse to the floor. Her friends all rushed to her side as I started flipping switches and pressing buttons. The TARDIS resisted my orders. "Come on," I growled as I smacked the console. The TARDIS whirred at me.

"What'd you do to her?" Shanna yelled at me as she stood up. I pulled a watch out from my pocket and cracked the screen, holding down the second hand. Time stopped. I heaved a sigh of relief as I tried to get the TARDIS to work for me. Time and time again it rejected my commands. "Ugh!" I exclaimed.

"Stop right there!" I heard from behind me.

I spun around quickly and saw The Doctor, River, Amy, Rory, and Joey standing in the doorway of the TARDIS.

"Step away from the console," The Doctor demanded, "Master's son."

"NEVER!" I shouted before escaping into one of the hallways of the TARDIS that branched off into different hallways with different rooms. I heard footsteps rushing up behind me and I bolted forward. When I didn't hear the sound of people running after me, I thought it was safe to take a quick break. I escaped into one of the rooms and closed the door behind me. I leaned against it and covered my face with my hands, sliding down till I was sitting on the floor.

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