[Chapter 5] Cake and Presents

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I stepped back out of the kiss and stared at Ian cautiously. I'm sure he and I felt the same way: What just happened?

Luckily, the Doctor and Clara and River broke the awkward silence that resided in the TARDIS.

"Ryan, I'm so sorry..." My dad tried to comfort me.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry. I overreacted," I admitted. "But, I still want to go home. I don't know where I'd want to go. I'm happy just to see my mom and dad together at once."


"Sweetie," My mom put her hand on his shoulder, "Listen to your daughter. She just wants to go home! And I'm sure mom and dad have a cake and some presents for her!"

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Fine..."

We landed back in Amy and Rory's front yard. Only a little time had past, and by that I mean the sky changed from it's usual blue-gray color to it's rich, royal blue color speckled with white spots. We walked in the house to the find the dining room lights dimmed and a cake sitting on the table. There were sixteen candles lit up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Amy, Rory, Joey, Shane, and Anthony shouted. I blushed almost immediately. I couldn't believe the guy I liked was at my "party."

I sat down at the table as they began to sing the well-known tune. I blew out the candles when they were done and everybody clapped in rejoice.

The cake was distributed and I sat on the couch. Ian sat next to me and we were talking, but I could hear Shane's and Anthony's conversation behind us.

"Yeah, I ran into her in the halls today. I just can't believe I'm here celebrating Ryan's birthday." Anthony stated, shoving another piece of cake into his mouth.

"I wonder what she wished for. Maybe a kiss from you." He joked. My eyes opened wide and I put my fork down on my plate. I lost my appetite.

"No. She likes that Ian guy. I mean, he's the only person she sits with at lunch!"

"Yeah, but did you hear Joey at lunch today? She wrote in her journal that she was the Future Mrs. Padilla! She's got a total crush on you."

"She's probably talking about some other Padilla guy." Anthony pleaded.

"Who else is there, man?"

"You know what? You're pissing me off!" Ian and I turned around to see Anthony throw his cake on the floor and walk out of the house.

Shane walked around the couch and plopped down beside me, "Hey, Ryan." He winked at me. I immediately felt awkward.

"Time for presents!" Rory exclaimed, bringing a white box over and something wrapped in brown paper. Rory handed me the brown paper thing first. "Here you go, it's from me and Amy."

I ripped the paper off to reveal a small, blue book that looked like the TARDIS. I looked up at Amy and Rory and smirked. I didn't want to be rude and plain out ask what it is.

"Your mother gave me that." Amy commented. "And I want to give it to you. So you don't have to write on stapled pieces of paper anymore" I glanced over at River to see her cling to the Doctor and smile.

"Thank you Amy and Rory. I love it." I stated, placing the book beside me. Ian immediately picked it up and began to examine it.

Joey shoved the white box at me. "I got this for you."

I broke the tape with my finger and placed the lid down on the floor. I removed the tissue paper to reveal three new band t-shirts. I beamed with happiness as I jumped up off of the couch, practically ran over to him, and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Joey."

"Yeah yeah. Don't mention it." He remarked as he hugged me back.

I sat back down on the couch. "Thank you guys for everything. It means a lot to me that you show you care."

"No problem, honey." Amy replied with a grin.

"And it's the best birthday I've had." I glanced over at the Doctor and River, "And it's all because you guys were here to celebrate." They walked over to me and kissed my cheeks. I watch them walk back to their original positions.

"Well, there is one more gift." Rory stated, getting up from sitting beside Amy. He returned with a bag. He handed it to me. I opened up the bag and gasped. I pulled out the present - a new set of headphones called Beats and 5 new CDs. I yelped in contentment. I've needed some new music for a while.

I hugged everyone once again. This is the most happy I've been in a long long time.

Everyone left the party. I gave my parents another goodbye hug and they were off. Shane and Ian left and Joey closed the door behind them.

"So, where are you going to keep that journal?" He smirked.

"I'm not telling you." I said, sweeping up the book, walking through the kitchen, picking up a pen and sitting on the patio outside.

I started writing stuff down when I saw someone's shadow peep out from the side of the house. I turned my head slowly to get a glimpse of the person and I screamed.

"Don't scream!" Anthony shouted as he walked towards me. I grabbed my chest in relief. My heart was beating so fast.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went back to your house."

"I know, but, I wanted to personally wish you a happy birthday." I giggled. Damn girly side of me. "So, Happy Birthday!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you." I said to him. I motioned to the chair across from me. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Yeah." He pulled out the chair and plopped himself down. "So, you're sixteen now. How do you feel?"

I placed the book down and sighed, "Not really any different than I did yesterday."

"Can I ask you a question?" He inquired.

"Sure. Shoot."

"Are Amy and Rory really your parents?"

The pen I was playing with slipped out of my hands and fell onto the bricks belows, bouncing a few times before settling. Why would he ask that?

"Alright, since you aren't answering that one, let me ask you a different one. Who was the man with the bowtie and the woman with the hair like yours, just blonde?"

I gulped, "Uh..."

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