[Chapter 4] One Broken Family

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We walked into the police box and Ian's eyes lit up. "Whoa...it's...smaller on the outside!" Ian noted, walking in and out.

My dad rolled his eyes, passing him and walking to the center. "Okay, who says that? It's bigger on the inside!"

"I said it was smaller on the outside." Clara reminded him. My dad glared down at her and started flipping switches and pressing buttons.

"Hold on tight." I told Ian as I clung to the railing. Even though I've never really taken a trip with my dad before, I somehow knew what it was like to fly in the TARDIS. And it wasn't very pleasant, especially if something goes wrong.

He stood beside me and mirrored me. He smiled at me and said, "This is so cool, Ryan."

I sighed, "I know." I glanced over at him as he looked around, absorbing all of it before it'd have to go away. Like it always does with my dad...

"Where are we going?" Clara inquired.

"Anywhere Ryan desires." He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled.

I looked at the ground, trying to think of places I wanted to go. And it wasn't just you're ordinary where will be going and for how long. No, instead with my dad, it was what place, what time period, and if someone there needs help.

I tilted my head up as I smirked, "I want to visit my mother."

He frowned, "But she's in the Stormcage Containment Facility."

"So? Break her out. You've done it before, don't act like you haven't."


"It's all I want, dad." I pleaded. "I want to see her." He stared at his feet, starting to sway back and forth on his heels. "Pleeeeease?" I begged. "You said anywhere I desire. And I desire to see my mom."

He looked up at me and threw his hands in the air. "Fine!" He pulled a switch and off we were. In a matter of seconds, we were in the prison. My dad opened the door and walked down the dark gray hallway, lit up with a small light on the wall every twenty feet. Ian and I followed Clara and my dad as he approached a cell block. He smirked when he looked in.

"Hello, Sweetie." My mother's charming voice emanated through the cell door. Ian and I caught up to them when my dad was pulled into the cell door as my mother and father shared a kiss. Her eyes averted to me and she brightened up. "Ryan!"

I walked up to the door and placed my hands in hers, which were sticking out in between the bars. "Hi, mom."

"My dear..." She cupped her hand on my cheek, "...you've grown so much since the last time I've seen you."

"Well, that was when I was just born. I'm fifteen years older."

"What date is it?" River asked the Doctor.

"Uh...what do you mean?"

"Back on earth where Ryan and..." Her eyes locked on Ian. I looked back and rolled my eyes. Poor Ian. He has to meet my parents, and they're a bunch of psychopaths! "Who is that?"

"Mom, this is my friend..." I began to introduce him.

"Ian." He stuck his hand out for a handshake, finishing my sentence. "Ian Hecox. It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Ryan's mom."

"You seem like a nice young man." My mother retorted. "But please call me River, River Song."

Ian gulped as he hid behind me. I smirked, he was such a shy guy. It's a shame - once you get to know him, he's funny and amazing.

"Sweetie." My mom turned to my dad. "Are you here to break me out?"

My dad scurried away with Clara. I looked at my mom, who was waiting there with her hands on her hips. Ian and I stood there awkwardly waiting for the magic to happen. And just then, the prison door unlocked and River pushed the door aside. She walked up to me and hugged me, "You don't know how much I miss not being able to hug you."

I hugged her back and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Alright!" The Doctor returned. "Let's go somewhere. Somewhere fun. Somewhere we can do something fun."

"What about the planet Midnight?" River suggested. "I've never been there before and it sounds beautiful."

"No." My dad immediately discarded the idea. We all looked at him like he was insane. "Look, I had a bad experience there and I don't want it to happen again. Not with the people I care most about." He crossed his arm and glared at everyone. "Next destination."

"Ooh!" Ian exclaimed. "What about some alien planet?"

I laughed. Everyone else just stared at him.

"Ian, there are billions of those!" I gave him a side hug as a friendly gesture. "What kinds of aliens do you want to see?"

"The green ones with big black eyes."

My dad stomped his foot, "How could you be friends with that guy, Ryan? He's so...so stupid!"

"Hey!" I pointed my finger at him. "He's my best friend and the only one who doesn't pick on me. So give him some slack."

"When did you become so moody?" My father retorted.

"You don't know how I act!" I yelled back. Oh shit, the anger was boiling up inside of me. I could feel it. I'm doing my best not to yell at him. He is my dad. I clench my fists and turn away from him, facing Ian. He was the only person who could calm me down. I could see it in his eyes that he knew what I was doing and he was going to let things happen.

"I'm sorry." My dad whimpered. "I'm sorry that you have to be that way!"

I turned around in shock, ready to bolt for my dad when my mom stepped in the way, sticking her hands out to avoid us from colliding with each other. "Guys, calm down!" She turned to the Doctor. "She's your...our daughter. And I don't appreciate the way your treating her." She flipped her head to me, her blonde coils of hair bouncing on her shoulder. "And you, he's your father. Have some respect."

"HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" I shouted, tears forming on the ridges of my eyelids. "A father is supposed to raise his child, share the memorable moments with them, and be there for them when they need their help. But no, the Doctor runs off with all of these female, and occasionally male, companions rather than raising his own daughter. So no, River, he's not my father." I crossed my arms over my chest, "He doesn't deserve the title. And neither do you." I quieted my voice, "Amy and Rory are my mom and dad. You guys just brought me into this world..."

"Sweetie..." My mother tried to comfort me.

"I want to go home." I declared, walking back to the TARDIS. Ian following me shortly after.

Ian slammed the blue doors shut behind him. "Ryan..."

"I don't want to talk." I said to him, tears beginning to run down my cheeks.

"Then don't." He responded. "I will." I looked up at him, with his bowl hair cut and piercing blue eyes. "I know you're situation's difficult, but regardless, they're your parents. And what you did back there..."

I don't know what came over me, but I stepped towards him, cupped my hands on his cheeks, and kissed him. Surprisingly enough, he kissed me back. We stood there, in each others arms, locked at the lips. The flashing lights and beeps surrounding us melted away as we drifted off into our own little world. I didn't know if this was a moment of my weakness or if I truly meant this, but I couldn't be more calmer in my hectic, fucked up life.

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